

Life has many twists and turns and can go up and down

For causing anyone to feel blue, cancer wears the crown


You are cruising through life with loved ones, happy as a lark

One-day the doctor finds in your X-ray a spot that is too dark


More tests and biopsies of the  spot reveals carcinoma

You don’t hear anything else he says, as life dives into a coma


The cancer-victim could be a son, a husband, a father and a brother

Or she could be a daughter, a sister, a wife and a mother


All your dreams are suddenly shattered right before your eyes

It doesn’t affect just one person, it can change many lives


You had hopes to raise, educate and get your kids married off

Now you wonder how many of those dreams can be safely carried off


The doctor saying it is treatable is really not much comfort

The treatments is so harsh, just watching it is quite an effort


Despite a heavy heart, we try to maintain a smile

Because we have faith that we will beat it by a mile


It could be called punishment if crooks only got the cancer

Why do good people have to suffer with this, no one has the answer


Allah says in Quran-e-Majeed, he has devised the cure before any disease

It would have been nice if He made it known, to put our minds to ease


We can chalk it up to the mysteries of Allah’s hikmat

May a future Nobel-Laureate soon find a cure by Allah’s rehmat


Everyone does doa for a cancer victim, but Daiallah’s doa is the best

May he live healthy ta-qiyamat, he is all we have in times of our test



Abd-e-Syedna, TUS- Shk. Husain Jamali, Anjuman-e-Burhani, Los Angeles, CA

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