More Catholic than the Pope

( The “ Me First “ Attitude)


Dear Jamaat ayaan, I have heard that you have developed many nizaams

Nizams for parking, registration, seating, qadambosi and salaams


You are expecting educated mumineen from the West to follow your regulations

You are forgetting that we are special and don’t need any preoccupations


Lines for this, lines for that and passes to show every where

If we act selfish in unison we can break any nizam, don’t despair


What good is your nizam if parking closest to the masjid is not for me

Your guiding vested volunteers and yellow tapes I pretend not to see


What good is your nizam if I can’t sit closest to His Holiness

What good is your  nizam that ignores MY uniqueness


I just came to mawaid from vaez listening about sabr and sacrifices of all

I must fight my way to the head of the line, I can’t wait for my jaman thaal


I just came to sabeel from vaez listening about the thirst of a six-month old child

Forget everyone in line  if I don’t get water now, I’ll go wild


I just came to a clean toilet after listening to tahaarat bayaan

Leaving it clean for others is none of my concern, is that clear to you ayaan?


Those yellow tapes and ropes to form lines are fine

I will find a way to beat them, just give me some time


I will crawl up the line pretending to say hello to a friend

Early comers are losers, I will get inside first in the end


Once inside the masjid I will sit stretched out to the max

Will curse the volunteers all day, if they seat some one in my lap


Every mumin thinks, praying imamat namaaz with Maola is only his right

All through namaaz they will push and shove and create a fight


What good is imaamat namaaz with Maola if you are not swaying  like a leaf in the wind

Don’t worry about room for sajda, this is how it is prayed in Sindh, Yemen and Hind


Poor mumineen are not the ones causing this commotion, but they get the blame

Moneyed & titled gentry can’t be in the back of any line, it ruins their fame


When will these ayaan realize that rich mumineen think they are more catholic than the Pope

Now that their secret is out in the open, it is abundantly clear to the ayaan we hope


Maola Burhanuddin’s intense love in our hearts makes otherwise good mumin,  act selfish

May he live healthy and long ta qiyamat that is our  prayer and an ardent wish


Abd-e-Syedna, TUS- Shk. Husain Jamali, Anjuman-e-Burhani, Los Angeles, CA

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