In Praise of Women


She may be afraid of a wasp and scream at the sight of a mouse

But she will tackle Sikandar, Napoleon of a husband alone in the house

She may have a Sikandar, Napoleon for a husband, who conquered the world

They stood-up to the great amies of the world but were submissives in the house


Men have created myths of her physical and mental weakness out of jealousy

Jealousy because women can do anything a man can and still reproduce

Reproduction is not the only thing but women are better in other ways

They are more focused, pragmatic, socially aware and know how to seduce


Focus on their smooth hairless skin with attractive curves at your own peril

Underneath that smooth skins lie the stainless steel nerves through which lava flows

It all stays soft and cuddly until the time when needed then it surely blows

Ever heard of papa bear protecting his cubs?  never underestimate a mama bear


Talking about nerves of steel and lava courage the name Maolatena Fatima comes to mind

She stood up boldly and spoke eloquently when Maola Ali was taken away against his will

She spoke the facts so clearly and eloquently the crowd was ready to change their mind

She was escorted out from the hall so the usurpers of khilafat can do what they will


The nerves of steel, and the lava courage comes into action only when provoked

We all saw that in action in karbala and shaam in the person of  Maolatena Zainab

What she did so naturally in time of adversity no man can do with best effort

Husain Imam knew not to leave next imam under anyone’s care but of Maolatena Zainab


When Imam Mustansir needed a combination of nerves of steel, lava courage and wisdom

There were other men around, but he found that combination only in maolatena Hurratul Maleka

She gave sabaqs to future Dai(s) from behind the curtain and fought battles to save her kingdom

Can we imagine where we would be without Maolatena(s) Fatima, Zainab & Hurratul Maleka


There would be no United States of America today if it were not for Betty Zane at Fort Henry

When it ran out of gunpowder and was under attack by the American Indians and British army

But who should volunteer to get more in spite  of many brave soldiers around at Fort Henry

Little perils they may fear, in great perils they show a front of iron, as did Betty Zane at Fort Henry


Men accomplish things with brute force; women are decidedly different in their modus operandi

They may yell and scream  in their meetings but at the end they hug & kiss and feel quite dandy

Men like to dominate, subjugate and decimate, women are consensus builders and congenial

I can see why men love women, but I can’t understand  why women love men for the life of me


Men are such egotists, they think they chose for wife a woman of their dream

His choice hangs by a bare thread until she stamps her approval, remember that Abdul Karim

It is not just among the birds and the bees but in humans too, it is the females who decide

Who they will marry, how often, where, and when they will mate and where they will reside


Men think that the world revolves around them, in reality women are it’s dhari

A house doesn’t feel like a home without a woman’s touch, whether or not she is hoor pari

If it was not for woman’s soothing words & soft touch, men would kill each other off

Thank Allah, He made women such that they accept us ignoring our blemishes and ugly faults


Every woman in every age is potentially as great and as strong  as all those in history

They hold their energies back until the occasion calls them into actions of bravery

Their vanity is limited to their looks, otherwise our history would have been hertory

Men should  stop these myths about women, without them there is no human history


In our immediate past we had a woman with steely nerves, great knowledge and a soft heart

She published sahifa, and many other doa siparis and a shaheedana and presented to the Dai

There were quite a few like her among Aai’s but this one was our own Amatullah  Aai

She prayed and taught us to pray for good health and umr-e-Kizar for our beloved Dai



Abd-e-syedna, TUS – Shk. Husain Jamali, Anjuman-e-Burhani, Los Angeles, CA