XCCalc for Windows

XCCalc - Extra Precision Floating-Point Complex Calculator


XCCalc is a calculator program with the following features:

* Can calculate with complex numbers like z = x + i*y
* Extra precision complex numbers to millions of decimal places
* Uses Fast Hartley Transform to speed-up long multiplies
* Separate input and output notation, base 2 to base 36
* Efficient Transcendental functions
* Hyperbolic functions
* Greatest Common Divisor function
* Modulo arithmetic options
* Bernoulli numbers, Euler numbers, Euler's constant
* Boolean functions, Gamma and Psi functions
* Random number generator
* Can compute Pi to 67.1 million decimal digits
* Algebraic notation (not reverse polish)
* If-then-else statement
* Goto statement
* Can run XCCalc code from files
* Hot Help from F1 key
* Written in Microsoft Visual C# .NET 2005 for Windows

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Page created by: hjsmithh@sbcglobal.net
Changes last made on Wednesday, 18-Jun-08 20:53:20 PDT