Juggler1.Pas Program Listing

{ Start of file Juggler1.PAS ***********************************************}

{$A+,B-,D+,E+,F-,I+,L+,N+,O-,R-,S+,V+}  { Turbo Pascal Default options }

{$I+} {System i/o error checks}
{$N+} {Uses numeric coprocessor}
{$R+} {index Range checking}
{$V-} {no string length checking}
{$M 65520, 0, 655360} {16384, 0, 655360 are defaults; $M 65520 max stack}

program Juggler1;{ Investigates Juggler Sequences and saves results to disk }

{ Juggler Sequence defined in Nov 1990 issue of Algorithm in PERSONAL
  PROGRAMS by Clifford A. Pickover. }

  Crt,     { Turbo Pascal 5.5 interface }
  MultiID; { Multiple-precision integer decimal algorithms unit}

  Name    = 'Juggler1 - Investigates Juggler Sequences Ups and Downs';
  Version = 'Version 1.00, last revised: 90/12/27, 0700 hours';
  Author  = 'Copyright (c) 1981-1990 by author: Harry J. Smith,';
  Address = '19628 Via Monte Dr., Saratoga, CA 95070.  All rights reserved.';


{ Developed in TURBO Pascal 5.5 }

{ Pickover's definition of a juggler sequence:

  input positive integer, x
    if x is even
      then x <-- [x^(1/2)]
      else x <-- [x^(3/2)]
  until x=1

  This program by Harry Smith outputs n (x zero), a string of characters
  U for up (odd x) and D for down (even x), the length of the sequence, and
  the number of digits in max x for this n.  Format of output to disk:
  n=9 UUDUDDD L=8 DM=3, New max L, New max DM
  Format of output to screen:
  n=9 UUDUDDD L=8 DM=3, New max L, New max DM
  I     : Integer;    { Utility index }
  Ch    : Char;       { Character input by ReadKey }
  St    : String[128];{ String for starting number input from keyboard }
  FileSt: String[12]; { Output file name }
  Disk  : Text;       { Text file }
  Size  : LongInt;    { Size of max x in MultiID super digits }
  Up    : LongInt;    { Number of times x was odd }
  Down  : LongInt;    { Number of times x was even }
  n     : ^MultiSI;   { Starting x, x zero }
  x     : ^MultiSI;   { Current value of x }
  x2    : ^MultiSI;   { Current x squared }
  x3    : ^MultiSI;   { Current x cubed }
  P     : ^MultiSI;   { Power used to input large n = b ^ P }
  One   : ^MultiSI;   { One in MultiSI format }
  LSD   : LongInt;    { Least significant super digit }
  Di    : LongInt;    { Decimal digits in x }
  DM    : LongInt;    { Number of decimal digits in max x for this x zero }
  MDM   : LongInt;    { Number of decimal digits in max x so far }
  L     : LongInt;    { Length of sequence }
  ML    : LongInt;    { Max length of sequence so far }
  NewMDM: Boolean;    { True if new max DM this time }
  NewML : Boolean;    { True if new max L this time }

procedure Init; { Initialize program }
  TextBackground( Blue);
  TextColor( Yellow);
  WriteLn( Name);
  WriteLn( Version);
  WriteLn( Author);
  WriteLn( Address);
  FileSt:= 'Juggler1.Out';
  WriteLn( 'Will write file: ', FileSt, ' to show ups and downs');
  MultiIDV.Init( 1);  { Init Multiple-precision integer decimal algorithms }
  MuLenD:= 21;  MuErrRep:= True;
  New( One, Init(1));  One^.SetTo1( 1); { Create new objects }
  New( P, Init(1));
  Size:= (3 * (Memavail - 155)) div (15 * 4); { Use all but 100 bytes, heap }
  if (2 * Size > MuNMax) then  Size:= MuNMax div 2;  { MuNMax = 16379 }
  WriteLn( 'MemAvail=', MemAvail);
  WriteLn( 'Max_x limited to ', MuDMax * Size,
          ' decimal digits, (57323 digits is max)');
  New( n, Init( 2 * Size div 3));
  WriteLn( 'Input starting number, x zero (Try 10^255, ENTER => 1):');
  ReadLn( St);
  While (Length( St) > 0) and (St[1] = ' ') do  Delete( St, 1, 1);
  if Length( St) = 0 then  St:= '1';
  n^.Value( St, I);  { Convert String to n, returns I = # of character used }
  Delete( St, 1, I);
  While (Length( St) > 0) and (St[1] = ' ') do  Delete( St, 1, 1);
  if (Length( St) > 1) and (St[1] = '^') then begin
    Delete( St, 1, 1);
    While (Length( St) > 0) and (St[1] = ' ') do  Delete( St, 1, 1);
    P^.Value( St, I);
    n^.RPowMB( P^);
  if (n^.Comp( One^) < 0) then  n^.SetTo1(1);
  MuErr:= False;  MuAbort:= False;
  Write( 'Input = ');  n^.WritLn( Output);
  New( x,  Init( Size));
  New( x2, Init( 4 * Size div 3));
  New( x3, Init( 2 * Size));
  WriteLn( 'MemAvail=', MemAvail);
  WriteLn( 'Type any key to continue...  (or Esc to quit)');
  Ch:= ReadKey;
  if Ord( Ch) = 27 then  Halt(0);
end; { Init }

function Digits(x : MultiUI) : LongInt; { Compute number of digits in x }
  Q : LongInt;
  I : Integer;
  Q:= Round( x.V^[ x.N - 1]);  I:= 0;
    Q:= Q div 10;  Inc(I);
  until Q = 0;
  Digits:= I + MuDMax * LongInt( x.N - 1);
end; { Digits }

begin { Main program, Juggler1 }
  Assign( Disk, FileSt);
  Rewrite( Disk);
  WriteLn( Disk, 'Juggler Sequences Ups and Downs (Juggler1)');
  WriteLn( Disk, '(n=x zero, L=Sequence length, ',
		 'DM=Number of digits in max x for this n)');
  WriteLn( Disk);
  MDM:= 0;  ML:= 0;
  n^.RAdd1( -1);
    n^.RAdd1( 1);  x^.SetTo( n^);  Up:= 0;  Down:= 0;
    DM:= Digits(x^);  NewMDM:= False;  NewML:= False;
    Write( Disk, 'n=');  n^.Writ( Disk);    Write(Disk, ' ');
    Write(       'n=');  n^.Writ( Output);  Write(' ');
      LSD:= Round( x^.V^[0]);
      if (LSD mod 2) = 1 then begin
        Inc( Up);  Write(Disk, 'U');  Write('U');
        Tracn:= Down;  Trace:= Up;
	x2^.Sq( x^);  x3^.Mul( x^, x2^);  x^.SqRtRem( x3^, x3^);
	Di:= Digits(x^);
	if Di > DM then begin
	  DM:= Di;
      else begin
        Inc( Down);  Write(Disk, 'D');  Write('D');
        Tracn:= Down;  Trace:= Up;
        x^.SqRtRem( x^, x3^);
    until (x^.Comp( one^) = 0) or MuErr or MuAbort;
    L:= Up + Down + 1;
    if (x^.Comp( n^) = 0) then  L:= 1;
    if L > ML then begin
      ML:= L;  NewML:= True;
    if DM > MDM then begin
      MDM:= DM;  NewMDM:= True;
    Write( Disk, ' L=', L, ' DM=', DM);
    Write(       ' L=', L, ' DM=', DM);
    if NewML  then  Write( Disk, ', New max L');
    if NewML  then  Write(       ', New max L');
    if NewMDM then  Write( Disk, ', New max DM');
    if NewMDM then  Write(       ', New max DM');
    WriteLn( Disk);  WriteLn;
  until MuErr or MuAbort;
  Write( Disk, 'n=');  n^.Writ( Disk);    Write(Disk, ' ');
  if MuErr then  WriteLn( Disk, 'Numbers got too big for memory')
  else  if MuAbort then  WriteLn( Disk, 'Run aborted by operator');
  Close( Disk);
  Ch:= ReadKey;
end. { Juggler1 }

{ End of file Juggler1.PAS *************************************************}

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This page accessed times since October 20, 2004.
Page created by: hjsmithh@sbcglobal.net
Changes last made on Saturday, 14-May-05 12:49:17 PDT