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Curt Wilson - 10/19/00 19:13:16
My Email:curtw@prodigy.net

Thanks Harry for sharing with us. I'll be a regular visitor to your Web site.

Ray Wolfe - 10/11/00 06:02:26
My Email:raywolfe@garlic.com

Harry, Thank God some things never change. Appreciate who you are, keep you in our prayers. Ray and Lou

Jason Earls - 09/01/00 09:34:04
My Email:Abraxas72@webtv.net

Hello Harry! The information you provided on Gaussian primes is very interesting. You have a great site. I appreciate how well-documented your code is too. Thanks alot!

Heinz Becker - 08/12/00 22:53:00
My URL:http://www.heinerbecker.myokay.net/hbnms.htm
My Email:hbnms@myokay.net

Hello, Mister Smith, You have a lot of mathematics. and other. Very good and thanks Heinz germany

sobia khan - 07/20/00 08:13:53
My URL:http://www.yahoo.com
My Email:skahn@jis.edu.bn

i hate ............oh forget it

David Yelverton - 05/27/00 16:59:15
My Email:dave_yelverton@yahoo.com

Wow! I never knew that ! Thanks for your site. There's plenty to keep my more able students puzzling for many a lesson.

Harry J. Smith - 05/14/00 18:35:18
My URL:http://home.netcom.com/~hjsmith
My Email:hjsmith@ix.netcom.com

Just testing to be sure it still works.

JeanEva Gaardeer - 02/19/00 07:47:49
My Email:jeaneva@flinthills.com

I am the gifted failitator at a middle school, formerly a math teacher. I have several "precocious" math students who (like me) are going to love your page!

Ducson Nguyen - 11/15/99 04:16:40
My Email:duc@eden.rutgers.edu

This is a really neat site. It helps me understand some of the topics we're covering in Discrete Math and is just plain interesting. I'm a Computer Science/Mathematics double major myself, so all this number theory stuff is pretty cool to me. Thanks.

Harvey Heinz - 08/04/99 07:05:51
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/~harveyh
My Email:hdheinz@istar.ca

Hadn't visited you site for a long time. Forgot how interesting it is. I also downloaded the documentation for VPcalc and PrimeFa, both of which I have been using for years.

Sobia Khan - 03/20/99 20:20:27
My Email:paki_spice@hotmail.com

I think that this is a very informative page that is interesting. I found out what a golygon is!!!

Nico Benschop - 12/14/98 14:18:13
My URL:http://www.iae.nl/users/benschop
My Email:benschop@iae.nl

Nice sunny page! And good Math-fun-stuff. We're having a nice rainy Christmas this year (dec1998 in Holland;-(

A LUX - 11/16/98 17:35:05
My Email:aklux@aol.com

Great page Harry!

Harry J. Smith - 09/05/98 21:15:25
My URL:http://home.netcom.com/~hjsmith
My Email:HJSmith@ix.netcom.com

I visited my own site.

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