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COPYRIGHT 2005-7 李秋男(副教授)

P.5   [練習]  [字彙]  [回首頁]           讀者留言及討論  閱覽讀者留言及討論 

59-80句: 複數普通名詞 + be動詞現在簡單式 + 形容詞
81-85句: 數詞 + 複數普通名詞 /數詞 + 複數單位 + of + 物質名詞

59. 書是有用的。
60. 狗是忠心的。
61. 無尾熊是嬌小可愛的。
62. 象是有力氣的。
63. 鳥是音樂的。
64. 橋是方便的。
65. 車庫不是便宜的。
66. 飛機是快的。
67. 猴子是嬉戲的。
68. 嬰兒是可愛的。
69. 公共汽車是便宜的。
70. 狐狸是狡滑的。
71. 嗡嗡聲是吵鬧的。
72. 蟑螂是骯髒的。
73. 牙刷是輕的。
74. 狼是危險的。
75. 手帕是柔軟的。
76. 英雄是勇敢的。
77. 袋鼠是膽小的。
78. 河馬是笨拙的。
79. 羊是溫順的。
80. 牛是有幫助的。
81. 一頭牛、兩匹馬和三隻羊
82. 二張紙
83. 三件傢俱
84. 四玻璃杯的水
85. 五條麵包和六英尺繩子

59. Books are useful. (= Books're useful.)
60. Dogs are faithful. (= Dogs're faithful.)
61. Koalas are cute. (= Koalas're cute.)
62. Elephants are powerful. (= Elephants're powerful.)
63. Birds are musical. (= Birds're musical.)
64. Bridges are convenient. (= Bridges're convenient.)
65. Garages are not cheap. (= Garages're not cheap. = Garages aren't cheap.)
66. Airplanes are fast. (= Airplanes're fast.)
67. Monkeys are playful. (= Monkeys're playful.)
68. Babies are lovely. (= Babies're lovely.)
69. Buses are cheap. (= Buses're cheap.)
70. Foxes are sly. (= Foxes're sly.)
71. Buzzes are noisy. (= Buzzes're noisy.)
72. Cockroaches are dirty. (= Cockroaches're dirty.)
73. Toothbrushes are light. (= Toothbrushes're light.)
74. Wolves are dangerous. (= Wolves're dangerous.)
75. Handkerchiefs are soft. (= Handkerchiefs're soft.)
76. Heroes are brave. (= Heroes're brave.)
77. Kangaroos are timid. (= Kangaroos're timid.)
78. Hippos are clumsy. (= Hippos're clumsy.)
79. Sheep are tame. (= Sheep're tame.)
80. Oxen are helpful. (= Oxen're helpful.)
81. one ox, two horses, and three sheep
82. two sheets of paper
83. three pieces of furniture
84. four glasses of water
85. five loaves of bread and six feet of rope


[字彙] 線上字典  Yahoo字典
1. *foot pl. feet
2. *glass pl. glasses
3. *hero pl. heroes
4. *loaf pl. loaves
5. American pl. Americans
6. baby pl. babies
7. beef
8. bird pl. birds
9. book pl. books
10. bridge pl. bridges
11. bus pl. buses
12. buzz pl. buzzes
13. child pl. children
14. cockroach pl. cockroaches
15. fly pl. flies
16. fox pl. foxes
17. garage pl. garages
18. handkerchief pl. handkerchiefs
19. hippo pl. hippos
20. horse pl. horses
21. kangaroo pl. kangaroos
22. koala pl. koalas
23. man pl. men
24. mosquito pl. mosquitoes
25. mouse pl. mice
26. ox pl. oxen
27. person pl. persons
28. pork
29. rabbit pl. rabbits
30. sheep pl. sheep
31. Taiwanese pl. Taiwanese
32. toothbrush pl. toothbrushes
33. wolf pl. wolves
34. woman pl. women
35. clumsy
36. convenient
37. cute
38. dangerous
39. harmful
40. helpful
41. hospitable
42. light
43. lovely
44. musical
45. noisy
46. powerful
47. sly
48. soft
49. tame
50. timid
51. one
52. two
53. three
54. four
55. five
56. six
57. seven
58. eight
59. nine
60. ten

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