Links & Afterword


After I had finished this project, my first feeling is that I was relieved. But later, I discovered that thriugh my research, I learnt many things, really. One thing especially, it's many great inventions are invented because the curious influence of the inventors. Yes, every human are curious and inquisitive, including you and me. In our daily life, we may think of some ideas, but you may always think that it's impossible, not only you, this is all right with you because most of the ordinary people do too. But you know, most of the inventions are invented also becaus the inventors are firm, they have confidence with their inventions, they never give up. Like Thomas Edison, many people do not believein him and his inventions, but after they have used it, they know it's possible, they all know.

So, when you can think of some new next time, please write it down!



Here are some websites that can help you in learning things about Industrial Revolution:

Domain and links Descriptions
The Industrial Revolution Learn about the industrial revolution; facts; link resources
The Industrial Revolution Very nice site dealing with events, people, and important topics about the Industrial Revolution
America and the Industrial Revolution: Links to sites with information about the Industrial Revolution

** With Special Thanks **

History Wizards : Search for resources and information about historical periods
I-webhk This site provide useful skills and technis on making webpage.