Extensive Interpretation of Tao Te Ching(2)


When the people of the Earth all know beauty as beauty, there arises (the recognition of) ugliness.


When the people of the Earth all know the good as good, there arises (the recognition of) evil. 


Therefore: Being and non-being interdependent in growth;

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Difficult and easy interdependent in completion;


Long and short interdependent in contrast;


High and low interdependent in position;


Tones and voice interdependent in harmony;


Front and behind interdependent in company.


Therefore the Sage: Manages affairs without action; preaches the doctrine without words;


All things take their rise, but he does not turn away from them;


He gives them life, but does not take possession of them;


He acts, but does not appropriate;


Accomplishes, but claims no credit.


It is because he lays claim to no credit, that the credit cannot be taken away from him.


On Levelling All Things ( 1) (60-104)


60 The voice is uttered after people have an intention or idea. Forming an idea is a very complicate process. In most cases the processes of forming idea are rough. Namely, people don¡¦t know clearly what they want to say and what they want to do.



61 Idea comes out from observation, study and analysis of the objective environment. However, we are restricted in the cognition of objective environment, because it is obscure and most parts of it are hidden in the corner, common people can¡¦t cognize it thoroughly.


62 Under the condition of the restriction and obscurity of the objection condition, most ideas are not accurate. Hence not all people's speaking is believable. Because the meaning of the word is blurry, even if the words are uttered from ones mouth, it not necessary means it has truly expressed his real intention and meaning.

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63 If so, is it right to say that human¡¦s words are different from the sound of land?


64 The words are meaningful, based on a certain background. Nevertheless the meaning goes far from accurateness, equal to nothing, or worse than nothing because the words can make listener misunderstand so as to have wrong judgment.


65 The meaning expressed by human is so. The way of expressing Tao is also. Much misunderstanding of Tao therefore happens, which causes many theory and school that are paradoxical.


66 However the misunderstanding about Tao can¡¦t dent or change a little value of it. For example, whatever you explain about Tao, the sun will arise from east and set down to the west, alteration of season and people¡¦s ageing, illness, delivery and death, are still unchangeable.


67 The words are different from Tao. In interaction between words and ideas, ideas themselves are incomplete and shaky, so they cause problems in words.


68 We should treat Tao in macro and long-term view. In petty and transient cases we can¡¦t find the intendment of Tao. As for the words, we should beware of its tricky and sweet appearance.


69 Since Tao was misunderstood and words were misused, disputes between the sects of Ru and Mo took place, they criticized each other, thinking that the opponent was wrong and self was right. People were bewildered at a deluge of disputes and critiques.


70 I deem that in order to distinguish the truth, our thinking should be based on objectiveness, selflessness, desirelessness. Starting in macro-view, we are possible to obtain the genuine Tao.


71 Those of objective conditions are not significant if there are no subjective conditions; Matter can¡¦t be discriminated right or wrong if there is no subjective condition.


72 Why is objective condition called objective condition, it is because there is a subjective condition opposition to it. Otherwise, the objective condition to itself is a subjective condition.


73 For the same reason the right and wrong of a thing are formed. We say that matter is right; because there is a thing opposite to it we say it is wrong. In the same way, we think the thing is wrong, for we think it should be so, not other. A criterion that is set ahead in our mind and then wrong is discriminated.


A poem by Tao Yuanming, a poet of Jin Dynasty, goes:


People¡¦s deeds of ten thousands, who knows the right or the wrong.


At the surface some look them, Praise and defame they all can.


Since Xia dynasty there have been more, the own views the wise has followed.


The unwise are arrogant and aggressive, like Huang gong and Qili I stay reclusive.


74 A matter is just itself. As for itself concerned, it is not right or wrong.


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75 When we learn about a matter, we should just focus on itself. Don¡¦t compare it with other. Only considering it as it stands, by this way we can find its truth.


76 Therefore, it is said that the objective condition generated from the differentiation of right and wrong. Right and wrong exist for the objective condition exists. Like outside and inside, the objective condition and right or wrong depend on each other.


77 The same theory goes that life and death depend on each other so as to agreement and disagreement. There weren¡¦t absolute right or absolute wrong; right or wrong established by different views. A man of perfection judges things by things itself, not by right and wrong; thus we can find the truth and the original reasons of the thing.


78 As the objective condition is an independent and self-dominative individual, there are unique factors to form its conduct, life background, thought and concept. It is not merely criticized or judged by our subjective opinions. If we could hold the viewpoint, we would seize the gist of Tao. By the gist we can find the so-called ¡§Wrong in right and right in wrong¡¨. The subjective condition is a combination of right and wrong, as is the objective condition.


79 It¡¦s so. I suggest that we can reveal the truth of thing as long as we treat thing in the views of objective, selfness and no desire.


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80 We should not appraise the little finger by the standard of middle finger and deem the little finger is not finger. We may say that mouth is not finger so the middle finger and the little finger are not mouth. We don¡¦t think that the white horse is horse so the black horse isn¡¦t horse; we think that cattle are not horse so the white horse and the black horse are not cattle.


81 We regard finger is an independent and self-dominative individual. Either the middle finger or the little finger is inevitable to grow like that under the innate condition. At the view of the middle finger, it itself is a complete individual. We should not compare it with mouth, nor with the little finger.


82 Horse as a creature has its evolution background. Under the living condition from generations to generations, it formed today¡¦s form. Its form is absolutely necessary as a creature. It unnecessarily compared itself with cattle while cattle should not worry about horse without horn and how its defense to enemy. Horse is itself, as is cattle. They respectively are an independent and complete individual.


83 We must clearly know that we should agree about things uniqueness and hold above view so that we can study everything exactly.


84 Moral code, custom, governmental decree, even covenant and contract can judge the conducts of a man's right or wrong. So we know that the right and wrong are factitious.

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85 We say it is right, so is it; we say it is wrong, so is it; we say it is receivable, so is it; we say it is not receivable, neither is it.


86 It is like the path that is trodden to form. The hunter and farmer tread with feet and chop with sickles to form the paths on mountain.


87 It is also like we naming everything. The ancient people name the organ with eyes, mouth, nose and ears as head. Since then, the noun ¡§Tou¡¨ was formed in Chinese language and ¡§head¡¨ in English language.


88 Everything in the world is so. When the conditions of time and space and others predestine to come together, a thing happens.


89 It is easy to know why the thing doesn¡¦t happen. It is because something happens to lack of conditions. So it doesn¡¦t happen.


90The marriage of my wife and me were because we were similar in age; we were the only two young people in office; we were single; she was beautiful and I was a bit intelligent; both of our bodies emanated courtship signals; our parents agree on our marriage. Due to the above conditions and so on, we therefore married. All are the countless conditions that come together to make it happen. There is nothing special and strange.


91 When I was in association with her, there were some other girls who were professional and beautiful around me. It was possible for one of them to be my companion of lifetime but they are not at last. Either one of them or I had problems or there are other problems in other aspects. In general, under the insufficient conditions we did not marry.


92 Everything exists by reasons. Nothing is formed without the process of growth and maturity. Nothing exists without reasons.


93 Twig has its reason to exist and trunk as well. Miss Xishi¡¦s beauty was cultivated under the conditions and environment in which she grew. Miss Dongshi had different conditions and environment. Miss Xishi was loved widely, while there were some people to love Miss Dongshi. The farmer who needed labor in crops field perhaps more loved the country girl, Dongshi who was industrious and hardworking.


94 The various things in the world are formed and exist under their own condition of time and space. We should think in the view of isolation and agreement that they are complete and are formed by Tao; they contain factors of Tao. Hence the universe is formed.


95 I parted with my parents and my bachelordom, as did my wife. We combined to be a family with our own children. Departing from parents and bachelordom was ¡§separation¡¨, and to be a family was ¡§combination¡¨.


96 Therefore two ¡§separations¡¨ happen to become a ¡§combination¡¨¡Va new thing.


97 From the view of new thing, the old thing breaks up or vanishes, but is it really so bad? Of course it was not. Or why did kin and many friends give us cash gifts for congratulation?


98 Thing itself can¡¦t be judged as a successful creature or a failure creature. It changes when condition changes.


99 In macro view, thing squirms and turns in realm of Tao but it could not jump out of the realm of Tao.


100 Men of perfection by practice know this theory so they don¡¦t criticize, blame, praise, follow or suggest everything at random. They just take the world as it is and treat everything around them and everything happening continually in an ordinary manner.


101 They blunt their sharp points, and unravel the complications of things; they attemper their brightness, and bring themselves into agreement with the obscurity of others. They melt into environment without imprudently trying to be unique. Act when necessarily and to be when necessarily. They let thing happen under the reasonable conditions. Doing like so, it means that you fit Tao.


102 When Tao works on a thing, it does in silence most of the time. The same goes to the fact that flower blooms and withers.


103 Practitioner of Yoga repeats some actions daily. Days passing, his body becomes soft and he can bend now bent in past he couldn¡¦t. He becomes healthy and what¡¦s more suddenly knows acupuncture, massage and cure. He suddenly has telepathy to gods. All these form without being sensed. The phenomenon of forming is the model way of Tao¡¦s operation.


104 Everyday many people who practice worship gods to pray for bless, or read up lection industriously and try to find the way of practice, in Buddha temples, churches and Taoism temples. They don¡¦t know that practice is actually lesser difficult than those. All they should do is to practice meditation and Yoga industriously and keep their ordinary daily life in the way of blunting their sharp points, unraveling the complications of things; attempting their brightness, and bring themselves into agreement with the obscurity of others. Worship gods is right but unnecessary.


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Xianchi¡¦s interpretation and remark(2


1 Biologist discovered that in each independent environment a food chain (biological chain) forms naturally among the creatures; each creature does his own duty, none surplus or aloft independent.


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2 The predators, such as lion and tiger, are employed to control the quantity of common animals. Those large vegetarian animals, such as cattle, sheep, horse and elephant, act as the stomach of small insects to help them digest grass; they keep eating each day, chewing grass and leaves; their shit becomes food of small insects. These vegetarian animals actually absorb only small part of the grass and leaves for themselves. Additionally their shit also is the fertilizer of plant, offering sufficient nutrition to the continuous growth of plant for generations.

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3 Saprophagous animals are in charge of cleaning environment to offer suitable environment to creature. Invisible as bacteria is, it digests and cleans dead body to produce fertilizer, playing important role in controlling the quantity of common animals.


4 Therefore, from the top view, numerous creatures bustle everyday. They seem to struggle and scramble for food but as a whole they are the parts of the Earth which is a big machine. Interaction of parts is the impulsion to keep flourish of the Earth. ¡§Harmony as integration¡¨ by Laotse and Chuang Tzu means the harmony of each parts of a machine for normal operation.

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5 Having recognized the integration, people change their ideas. Let¡¦s take an instance of university. A student of university pays a large sum for tuition each semester. If he studies at Ivy League, the tuition is thirty to fifty thousand
US$ for each semester, which is a heavy burden to him. However, think in other aspect, we should consider the expense for supporting a modern university, so many divisions, such as educational administration division, instruction division, gym, healthcare division, guardian, offices, library, dining hall, dormitory, professors, and assistant professors. If there was no support from all students, nobody would be willing to bear such expensive cost of university.

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6 Also, in our daily life, taking bus, driving on expressway and outer circle road, even dining out, playing tennis, doing Sauna or taking spring bath, all have integration effect, namely many people sharing the cost so that each one can enjoy the life.

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7 From the view of this cognition, we know that all things are integrated and desert the discrimination so that the hatred, scrambling, envy are gone. Buttock doesn¡¦t want to replace waist with itself, nor did nostril to replace mouth.

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8 Each one has his own ability and chance and surrounding, which is common. We should respect, love and cherish everything and people around us and treat them fairly without influence of their title, fame, appearance, position, wealth and ability.

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9 Right hand never blame left hand for laziness; mouth never distaste buttock for dirty. We should understand farmer¡¦s toil and soldier¡¦s danger. We pardon bureaucratic officials and endure bad deeds of security staff. So we don¡¦t remark what the right or the wrong is any more, doing our own duties. Things under sun have their own charge and we don¡¦t need to make effort for them. This is the signification of researching Tao by Laotse and Chuang Tzu.

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Autumn Floods (1) (¤@)(13-51)¡C(2¡C2)




13 River God said, ¡§At this rate, may I think the universe is big while the hair is small?¡¨

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14 The Sea God said, ¡§No. The field is boundless; time is endless; the environment is changing. They running in rotation just like the day and night.


15 Therefore, the wise man goes around universe, he doesn¡¦t think the small is too small and the big is too big; since he knows that the field of Nature is boundless.



16 Looking back, he doesn¡¦t regret time flying away. He doesn¡¦t hug himself on something upcoming. He knows time is endless and environment is changing so he doesn¡¦t delight in gain and doesn¡¦t worry about the loss. He knows the rising and declining of life is actually the secret of evolution. Hence, he is not happy for living and not sad for death.


17 Living in the vast and boundless universe, the attitude we should have is that: we recognize what we know and what we don¡¦t know, instead of showing off what we know.

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18 Also, we should not judge Tao by the phenomenon in our lifetime. We should consider the phenomenon before our life ¡Vthe longer time and the process of changing of Heaven and Earth, according to which we learn the truth of universe.

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19 If we judge the truth of universe by phenomenon that happen in a very small space and short time, then we are like summer butterfly who mistakes there is abundant sunlight, plentiful rain and flourishing plant in four seasons; and our misunderstanding of the Nature is uncountable.

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20 In general, we know that in boundless space and time, we verily can¡¦t judge a thing small by our thinking it small, nor judge a thing large and vast by our thinking it large and vast, since there is something smaller or bigger than that we think. We had better not think ourselves always right. It is better to be modest and pragmatic. Taking part for the whole is the start of misunderstanding.¡¨

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21 River God was enlightened somewhat. He told Sea God. ¡§People often said that a really tiny thing is shapeless; a really huge thing is boundless. Is it right, Sir?¡¨



22 Sea God replied, ¡§It is incomplete to see the huge thing in the sight of the tiny thing. For example, ant can¡¦t understand what human is. Nevertheless, it is unclear to see tiny thing in the sight of huge thing. People have to use microscope to watch microbe. As for the structure of atom, even people use the most advanced microscope they are still not able to get its¡¦ details.

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23 It is common known that the tiny is the smallest of the small; the huge is the largest of the large. As the above said, there is no absolute small and no absolute big. The small and the big are relative, depending on your viewpoint. Therefore, we should not pay too much attention to the size of any object.

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24 Usually, tiny and huge are judged by the size and shape. If a thing is too tiny to be tangible, it can¡¦t be counted by number. If a thing is too huge to be bounded, it can¡¦t be counted too. In this case, our consciousness can¡¦t distinguish and discuss it.

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25 The shapeless, the boundless and the incalculable thing are beyond the field of material. However, our consciousness only can operate in the field of material. For this reason, we can¡¦t image a thing it is shapeless, boundless and incalculable, and of course, we are not able to describe it by size and shape too.

¨S¦³§Îª¬¡A¨S¦³½d³ò¡A¤£¯à­pºâ¡A´N¤w¶W¶V¤Fª«½èªº½d³ò; ¦Ó§Ú­Ì¤HÃþªº·NÃÑ¡A«o¥u¯à¦bª«½è½d³ò¤º¹B§@¡A¨S¦³§Îª¬¡A½d³ò¡A¼Æ¶qªºªF¦è©ó§Ú­Ì¦Ó¨¥¬OµLªk·Q¹³ªº¡A·íµM¤]´N½Í¤£¤W¤°»ò¤j¤p¡Aºë²Ê¤F¡I


26 In the modern science it is also true. The scientist stresses domain. Within a certain domain the meaningful discussion is possible; otherwise, scientist can¡¦t set the rule and definition and consequently, the scientific study is meaningless.


27 When we learn that there is no absolute big and small, and even no absolute richness and poverty, even no absolute nobleness and humbleness, our attitude of life is changed.



28 The men of perfect practice don¡¦t do harm to others but they don¡¦t make efforts to do well everywhere. Their deeds aren¡¦t based on interest, while they don¡¦t consider it is wrong that philistines seek pretty interest and pretty position and ask for money. They don¡¦t scramble for the present wealth, but they will not pretend to be lofty to refuse the interest in hand.


29 They would like to accomplish everything by themseles. They would not bother others unless by no choice. They don¡¦t pant for making more money; however, they don¡¦t condemn and scorn the common people who strive for money.

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30 The men of perfect practice are different in deeds, living customs and mindset from the common people but you can¡¦t say that they are weird. They don¡¦t look like Hippie with queer clothes and unique behavior. They do in
Rome as Rome do, act as the same as the common people. In society, they stand with the masses. They don¡¦t flatter somebody for convenience and personal interest and echo the opinion of a few man of high position. Nevertheless, they think it as living tactics that some philistines adore hero and flatter man of high position. They don¡¦t consider it is wrong or mean.

¥L­Ìªº¦æ¬°¡A¥Í¬¡²ßºD¡B«ä·Q¤è¦¡½T¬O»P¤@¯ë¤H¤£¦P¡A¥i¬O§A¤]¤£¯à»¡¥L­Ì©Ç²§; ¦]¬°¥L­Ì¨Ã¨S¦³¦p¼^¥Ö¤§©_¸Ë²§ªA¡A¯S¥ß¿W¦æªº¼Ë¤l¡C¦Ó¥B¥L­Ì¤J¹Ò°Ý«U¡A¦b«U±q«U¡A¸ò¤j®a¥´¦¨¤@¤ù¡C¦bªÀ·|¤¤¥L­Ì¬O¯¸¦b¤j²³³o¤@Ã䪺¡C¥L­Ìµ´¹ï¤£·|¬°¤F¤è«K¡A©Î¬°¤F­Ó¤H§Q¯q¦Ó©ç¬Y¨Ç¤Hªº°¨§¾¡Aªþ±q¤Ö¼Æ±MÅv¤H¤hªº¥D±i; ¥i¬O¹ï¤@¨Ç¥«¤«¤p¥Á±R«ô­^¶¯¡Aªü½Û½Ô´AÅv¶Q¡A¥L­Ì¥u»{¬°³o¬O¤@¯ë¤H¨D¥Í¦sªº­p¿Ñ¡A¤]µL©Ò¿×¹ï¡B¿ù¡A§óµL©Ò¿×¤H®æ°ª¤Uªº°ÝÃD¡C

31 Fame, position and wealth can¡¦t lure them because these are not their goal of life. High pressure, punishment and insult can¡¦t change their thought and deed too. They are tough and persistent. Why are they so, it is because they are deeply aware that right and wrong, small and big, rich and poor, and nobleness and humbleness are not absolute but relative.



32 The saying in this world goes well --- a man of practice seeks no fame and virtue. A man who practices to a certain level doesn¡¦t seek anything. The true man of perfect practice even forgets his own body---, which maybe is the best conclusion for our discussion about size and shape, rich and poor, and nobleness and humbleness.¡¨

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33 River God asked, ¡§How to distinguish the big and the small, nobleness and humbleness in the field of material and spirit?¡¨



34 Sea God replied, ¡§In the standpoint of Tao, there is no nobleness and humbleness in all things. Only by the view of personal interest, there are nobleness and humbleness, high and low position, and the light and the heavy. But we should know clearly that even in this field, their distinctions are relative, not absolute.¡¨


35 If we judge a thing by its own standard, then there is no big and small in this world. To us, whale is big. However to a whale, the other whales are not so big and they are of common size. To us, ant is small. However, soldier ant is a jumbo in the eyes of working ant. The working ant runs away quickly when seeing soldier ant. How dare it despise soldier ant?


36 Thinking so, we may look universe as a grain of rice and a hair as a mountain. The standard is relative.



37 If we judge the fact of existence of an object by its function, then everything in this world do exists, and will be vanished at end of the day.


38 All things that created by Heaven must have their own use and function. However, the functions exerted by the things are limited. When time is out, the functions weaken and even vanish. The things are gone too. This is what we call "impermanence".

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39 The function of a spring jacket is to keep warm. So people need it and it is worth existing. However, in the winter, it can not keep people warm enough, it is gone from body. To people, it disappears.



40 We know that the east is opposite to the west. Nevertheless we should remember that the east and the west depend on each other so they can exist. West is meaningless without east. Also, there is no east without west.



41 If we judge the good and the bad of an object by personal taste, there is no good thing or bad thing.



42 If we listen to what
Yao and Jie said, why he is a good man; why the other is a bad man, from the standard of his taste, we know what kind of a man he really is.

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43 In the past,
Yao demised to Shun, which is lucky to the country. However, in the Warring States Period, Prince of the State of Yan demised to Zizhi, his minister. The demising led to a catastrophe ¡Va convulsion of the county- and Prince Yan and Zizhi were both killed.


44 King Tang and King Wu fought for the throne and both of them got it successfully. Bai Sheng, however, the grandson of Duke of Chu was not that lucky, he uprose for the crown but was killed by Ye Gao at end of the day.



45 As far as history is concerned, it doesn¡¦t matter whether the throne is obtained by demise or by the war. There is no last word on the kind governance of
Yao and the brute governance of Jie. We may not deem that the system of Demise is certainly good or certainly bad; Yao definitely is good or Jie definitely is bad. They are concluded in terms of time and space.



46 In attacking a city, a girder may be used as the weapon to knock down the gate. However, if you use it to stuff crack, it is out of place.


47 A good horse can travel a thousand li in a day, but it is worse than the cat and weasel to prey on mice.



48 Owl can catch flea on its body at night, but it can¡¦t see the mountain opposite to it in the daytime.


49 These illustrate that different strong suit exists owing to different nature. In the different standpoint and in the requirements of different environment, we can¡¦t tell who is strong or weak, good or bad.



50 If a man likes the good side of a thing, refusing the bad side, or he only accept the good policy by a ruler, refusing the bad one, we conclude that he doesn¡¦t know the law of Heaven and Earth or the nature of things in the world. It is just like that he only want the Heaven and don¡¦t want the Earth, only Yin not Yang, which is unreasonable.

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51 However, many people in this world don¡¦t know it. They keep arguing all days. They are either an extremely stupid or a rascally dishonest person.

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Xianchi¡¦s interpretation and remark(2¡C2)




1 In modern society, capitalists and enterprisers are doers who are vital, aggressive and venturesome.



2 Capitalist and enterpriser, the elites of the society, look the thought of Laotse and Chuang Tzu as aged thought and think that it can make social development stagnant. Sluggish economy is regard depressive and dangerous in capitalism society.



3 Nevertheless, thought of Laotse and Chuang Tzu is accepted to some extent in western society. The reason is that it can offer relaxation, refreshment and stability as if in hot day people eat ice-lolly which could allay heat but no mater what it can¡¦t be served as dinner. 


µM¦Ó¡A¦Ñ²ø«ä·Q¦b¦è¤è¥@¬Éùؤ]¦³¥¦¤@©wªº±µ¨ü«×¡A¨ä­ì¦]¥D­n¬O¥¦¯àµo´§¤@ºØ²M²D¡BÃP¦¢¡B¥H¤Îí©wªº§@¥Î ; ´N¹³¤Ñ®ð¤Ó¼ö®É¦Y¤@®Ú¦B´Î; ¦B´ÎÁö¯à¸Ñ´»¡A¦ý²×¨s¤£¯à·í¥¿À\¦Y¡C

4 The thought works well however, to a retired guy or a man of practice. A man of practice becomes tranquil when he apprehends Chuang Tzu¡¦s view on bound, time, environment and transmigration. His wisdom rises from Samadhi and then he reaches the unlimited nirvana. It is rational that the thought of Chunag Tzu is absorbed and become the major theory in the Tao religion.




On Levelling All Things ( 1) (124-159)¡C(2¡C3) 



124 As we say, each individual is a combination of right and wrong. When we get close to a man, or enter an organization, or listen to a man, we just choose the ¡§right¡¨ that is in our category and embrace it. So we can melt into the environment and stay in peace.

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125 Our employing the way of ¡§Turmoil being submerged¡¨ is to act at our discretion. But we should be prudent in words, thinking and action because they themselves are possessed of mystery and secret.

§Ú­Ì±Ä¨ú³o¼Ë ¡§¦P¨ä¹Ð¡¨ ªº¤è¦¡¡A¬O¦³¨Ç«K©y¦æ¨Æ¡A¥i¬O»y¨¥¡B«äºû¡B¦æ¬°¥»¨­¤]¬O¦³¨ä¸Þ²§¡B¯«¯µ¤§³B¡A»{¯u¤£±oªº¡C


126 For instance, before the beginning of a thing, there is nothing. Time before the beginning of a thing is ¡§nothing¡¨ too. The ¡§nothing¡¨ however is ¡§something¡¨ because ¡§nothing¡¨ exists as ¡§something¡¨ in the time.

¤ñ¦p»¡¡A³o¬O¤@­Ó¶}ºÝ¡C¨º»òªí¥Ü¦b³o­Ó¶}ºÝ¤§«e¬O¨S¦³³o¥ó¨Æªº¡C¶}ºÝ¤§«e¨S¦³³o¥ó¨Æªº®É¶¡¬O¡§µL¡¨¡C¨º»ò³o­Ó¡§µL¡¨¤S¬O¡¨¦³¡¨¤F¡A¥¦¬O¦³³o­Ó¡§µL¡¨ªº ¡§¦³¡¨¡C

127 Then I deduce it ahead. Is there another ¡§nothing¡¨ before the said ¡§nothing¡¨? Take an instance. Let¡¦s set another (second) ¡§nothing¡¨ as ¡§something¡¨, and then there must be a ¡§nothing¡¨ out of the ¡§something¡¨. The third ¡§nothing¡¨ clearly responds to the ¡§something¡¨ in ¡§nothing¡¨ of ¡§something¡¨. It is another form of ¡§something¡¨. Now that it is so, there should be something that is far from another form. If our mind contains the beginning, and ¡§something¡¨ and ¡§nothing¡¨, then the thing in the world is classified into something and nothing, you and me, her and his. However if we look them as integration, it becomes simple.

¨º»ò§Ú¦A©¹«e±À¡A¦b³o­Ó ¡§µL¡¨¤§«e¬O§_¤S¦³­Ó¯u¥¿¨S¦³ ¡§µL¡¨ªº ¡§µL¡¨©O¡H ¦AÁ|¤@­Ó¨Ò¤l¡A§Ú­Ì³]©w³o¬O ¡§¦³¡¨¡A¨º»ò¦b³o­Ó ¡§¦³¡¨¤§¥~´N¬O ¡§µL¡¨¤F¡C¦Ó³o­Ó ¡§µL¡¨ÅãµM¬O¬Û¹ï©ó¨º­Ó ¡§¦³¡¨ªº ¡§µL¦³¡¨¡A¥¦¤S¬O¥t¤@ºØ§Î¦¡ªº ¡§¦³¡¨¡A¬JµM¦³³o­Ó¥t¤@§Î¦¡ªº ¡§¦³¡¨¡A¨º»ò´NÀ³¸Ó¦³¤@­Ó§¹¥þ¨S¦³³o¥t¤@§Î¦¡ªº ¡§¦³¡¨¡C§Ú­Ì¤ß¤¤¦pªG§t¦³¶}ºÝ¡A§t¦³¦³µL¤§©À¡A¨º¥@¶¡ª«´N¶}©l¤Àªù§OÃþ¡A¦³§A¦³§Ú¡B¦³©¼¦³¦¹¡C¥i¬O¦pªG§Ú­Ì±N¤§¬Ý¬°¤@Åé¡A¨º¨Æ±¡´N³æ¯Â¦h¤F¡C

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128 From the time when the world started to now, the time and space have never taken apart. They are integrative. There is no bigness and smallness, no the long and the short. Comparing with bigness, we are small forever; comparing with smallness, we are very big.


129 Comparing with atom and molecule, the end of autumn hair is a jumbo. Comparing with cosmos, mountains are tiny mounds. Abortive baby is long life, comparing with atom¡¦s half-life of a millionth second. Pengzhu¡¦s eight hundred year is transient, comparing with cosmos of ten billions years.


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130 Therefore when I set myself free, strive to exceed myself, and come into mind devoid of non-self and being flexibility; I coexist with cosmos and melt into everything. Right and wrong, advantage and disadvantage disappears. Everything and everyone are my hands and feet.


131 My eyes, ears, nose and tongue and I coexist in my body for common purpose of life. They grow and finally go apart into dust. Right hand does much but it doesn¡¦t blame for left hand¡¦s laziness. Mouth seems to enjoy everything nice, eating, kiss, speaking and so on but buttocks never complaint for the unfair.


132 So when people look everything as integration, his mind become peaceful, stable and tranquil and the way to practice is open to him.


133 We should understand the truth in cosmos is universal. Facing truth, native and stranger, Chinese and American are equal.


134 The truth works not only nowadays but in past. Truth is universally applied, not limit to locations, people, and time.


135 It is not like words. The saying goes ¡§a mouth has two lips, and it teems with gossips¡¨. At different standpoints, the words are different. When a man is out of office, he scolds others in a very humiliating fashion; when he is in power, he changes the fashion.


136 So when discrimination comes into our mind to cause right and wrong, the intimate and the estranged, we have been far from the truth and Tao, and confining ourselves into a limited ambit.


137 At that time the opposition of left and right comes out; the five traditional cardinal human relations are listed out to make people incumbent on their relatives. The standpoint is divided so that each struggles for his benefit. Disputes therefore arise.


138 In order to reach a goal, people struggle and scramble each other.


139 The eight phenomena mention above are the sources of many worldly problems, obsession, and scramble.



140 A man of perfection by practice clearly knows the point. He has no comment and no discussion on the concepts and ideas beyond the material world. He just hears other¡¦s comment and discussion.


141 As for the things and phenomena in this material world, he just talks as they are, and objectively observes and learns about them, never mix his own opinions.


142 As for the historical events which had been in final judgment, he could express his opinion, but he doesn¡¦t waste time and energy to argue with other for their justice.


143 As for things and ideas of different characteristics, those of perfection by practice classify some of them and leave alone some, and comment on some and neglect some.



144 The difference between a man of perfection by practice and a common people is comprehensiveness that the man is possessed of, because he knows the way that everything is integrative. Common people want to figure out the true and the false, right and wrong so as to show he is knowledgeable. In fact he doesn¡¦t understand the real image of thing. Thing is an integration of right and wrong; the right and wrong is relative, not absolute.


145 The truth is expressed as the first sentence of Tao Te Ching, ¡§The Tao that can be told of is not the Absolute Tao. The names that can be given are not Absolute names.¡¨ The truth can¡¦t be titled for it is difficult to express the truth in language.



146 The course of cosmos is profound and broad, with overall meaning which we can¡¦t understand. So we don¡¦t comment on natural phenomenon of the law of jungle according to our moral criterion of kindness and incumbency.


147 A man of perfection by practice earnestly lives a simple, easy and nonchalant life that is indifferent to fame and wealth. It seems austere but he enjoys it very much, never feeling insufficient.


148 A man of perfection by practice deems that a man should be gutsy and dauntless to do thing as the archaism goes ¡§Though thousands of people are there to fight against me, I still go.¡¨ His courage is admirable; however, it will not hurt anyone. He will not eradicate or tread anyone to reach his goal by hook and crook.


149 Once the truth is spoken out via language, its meaning is limited in a certain ambit. The dispute in words forever is incomplete. Kindness and love will lose balance once there is an object to show. They meet this side and miss that side. To be a great kind man is spoiled by selfishness.


150 The simple, easy and nonchalant life is a good thing but taking it too far is wrong.


151 As to rapid development of textile technology, a piece of clothes are cheap. The useless clothes thrown away by a family can be counted by bags. Therefore, a piece of warm and tidy clothes can¡¦t reveal the wealth and austerity of a family. However, if a man nowadays still wears a piece of clothes with patches, his motive for keeping the life will be in doubt. He may intend to show the different life style, instead of living the simple, easy and nonchalant life. The attitude that the objective conditions are put into consideration should not be adopted by a man of perfection when practice.


152 For a man of perfection by practice, braveness is a dauntless and unyielding power to march; is decision to accomplish task. Once he gains the power, he succeeds in everything. Nevertheless if he uses the power to hurt others, the power of justice will go to nothing, as a sentence in the poem Ode to Justice by Wen Tianxiang goes: Daunting because of loss of justice. Nothing can be done.


153 The great Tao, the eloquence, general kindness, overall probity, and great braveness are good but they degenerate once they go with selfishness.



154 Due to the degeneration, we should be discreet and modest in the way of practice.


155 The truth is profound and broad, so we should not surmise it by our limit and shallow knowledge or infer it by our viewpoint.


156 In Zen practice, consciousness should be aside, the self-nature should play roles. We should carry out a pithy formula ¡§be empty, no your action, be innocent as kid¡¨. By doing this pithy formula, we would go the right way in practice.

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157 By the way, in the Taoism, the realm of spirit means "argument without words and Tao not declaring itself as Tao."


158 The self-nature is endless and resourceful in our body. It plays overridingly leading role in our body; however, we don¡¦t know at all how it operates in consciousness.


159 We boldly consign our consciousness to self-nature which can lead it. Our consciousness relies on expert, just as we trust pilot of plane or capital of ship. In more time of Zen practice, we should set aside our consciousness. The action and attitude of above is called ¡§Concealing Light¡¨ in the Taoism.



Xianchi¡¦s interpretation and remark(2.3)



1 What Chuang Tzu want to state should be the no-learning skill of Buddha.


2 No-learning skill is the emergence of great wisdom after extricating avarice, wrath, obsession, confusion and affliction by practice of Zen and meditation. A man of practice hence possesses naturally of various abilities, such as art, understanding of religious rite, prophecy, heaven eye and ear, apprehension of world rules, modesty and courtesy.

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3 The abilities are gained without learning and come into being through no consciousness. A man of practice therefore, knows how to use them and what to do but doesn¡¦t know why.


4 The above cognition indicates that Tao can¡¦t be gained by learning from teacher. It should emerge naturally from self-nature via practice of Zen, meditation, sitting and life of simplicity and plainness.

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5 It is something like a seed. If you hold it in your hand, or study it on the table, you can¡¦t detect the true reason why it can be a big tree later. Only if you sow it in warm and wet soil, it germinates naturally in right season and moisture. When proper environment is given, it will grow day by day into a big tree.


6 During the growth, we indeed make no effort to help it grow. As we know, it germinates in right condition and season. Farmer knows it well. Does a farmer in countryside without formal education know why? Does he know embryo and hormone, element of nutrition and photosynthesis? He doesn¡¦t know it surely. However, does it matter? What he sows is what he harvests. It is enough.


7 As far as a farmer is concerned, biological knowledge is not so important. In fact, the so called top biologist and researcher of genetic restructure do they really know the details of why gene can pass down? Tao that can be told of is hardly an eternal, absolute, unvarying one. Mystery of universe can¡¦t be spoken clearly of by either words or language. It is true, I think, that improvement of self-nature is the only way to gain Tao, nothing else.   



On Levelling All Things (3) (25-31)¡C(2¡C4)



25 If you argue with me, you win and I lose. Does it mean that your views are right and mine wrong? On the contrary, if I win and you lose, does it means that I am right and you are wrong?


26 If we draw, does it mean that both of us are right or wrong in part? How on earth the factor is? It is rather difficult to make clear because we all stay in an obscure and dark environment.


27 Referee is a must in any debate. Who should be the referee for our debate? If the referee inclines to your views, is his arbitration fair? If the referee disagrees both on your views and mine, how does he arbitrate the debate? To the same, if the referee agrees on both of us, he also can¡¦t make arbitration.



28 Like this, the three, you, I, and the third can¡¦t arbitrate the right and wrong in debate. Who can arbitrate the debate for us?



29 Debate in words or speech is forever relative. It can¡¦t achieve an absolute result. The way to seek for the absolute truth is to gear the opposite views to the concept that everything is integrative and then to deduce it with the evolution law of nature.


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30 How to gear different thoughts and concepts to the concept that everything is integrative? First, we should be aware that what we think right is possible not really right. It looks so from the outside while it is possible not so in the inside. Debate can¡¦t tell the difference between the right concept and the wrong one. As the inside and the outside of an affair are the same, debate, however, can¡¦t prove it for us.



31 Don¡¦t waste time on debate because it is fruitless. Let¡¦s live cozily in the profound and boundless Tao.



Xianchi¡¦s interpretation and remark(2.4)



 1 Buddha told us the same: we don¡¦t dispute with others; if they have the feeling of affinity to Buddha, they could understand what you say and willing to execute it naturally; as for those who have no such feeling, we should not spend too much time and energy in discussing with them.  


2 The experiences of man who practice supreme yoga, such as no-learning skills are something that common people can¡¦t understand very well. When men of practice talk too much about it, they are looked as demon or absurd guy instead. 


3 If you possess of no-learning skill, you enjoy it yourself in secret. Don¡¦t waste your time to advocate it or try to publicize it. Even don¡¦t dispute on its reality. 



Xianchi¡¦s interpretation and remark of Extensive Interpretation of Tao Te Ching(2)


1 Account in Buddha Sutra is that woman changes her sex into man when reaching sukharati. Such a saying was proved by portrait of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva whose two mustaches were painted on her face to show the trait of male. Later painter thought them actually ugly since it can¡¦t show the nature of benevolence. Thus painter didn¡¦t care the saying and painted Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva as female. What¡¦s more they became more and more beautiful. Though woman changes into man, my opinion however that is both woman and man should become neutral. It is easy to understand: in the environment where there is no woman, man is not man.  

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2 Chapter two of Tao Te Ching tells us the principle. There is Yin; there is Yang naturally. In a group, there is a kind man and there is an evil man who emerges by comparison. In painting, we intend to leave space around main body so that it becomes prominent. In school, advanced class is formed, and worse class and so-so class are formed naturally. Buddhist mentions that there is birth so there is death; there is something so there is nothing. If one wants to exist permanently, he has to make no way of birth, out of transmigration. There is no birth so there is no death, which is the realm of nirvana.

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3 In our life, how do we apply the principle of companion of birth and death? Laotse gave us an example: a man of high position fears most that he would be booed off. How to keep the position? At policy level, what he does first is to raise media to impose an idea on people. So people all think it done so, or think it must be done so. People instead require it to do so in policy. Therefore implementation of policy is irrelative to him, official on high position, for which his position doesn¡¦t dent. Officials say nothing but the policy has been done and the reform has born fruits. When successful, he doesn¡¦t take the credit for himself; when failed, he doesn¡¦t take default. Holding the position, he doesn¡¦t worry about everything. Success or failure is not meaningful to him. To the contrary, he of high position takes leadership on frontier all the while. When successful, he could take more credit but when failed, he would lose his position. It is bad deed. He who is of high position should preserve peace and safety by halt at consummation, and apply conditions well so that all things could be done as water flowing makes ditch. None but poor countryside people will to scramble for the credit.  

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4 The thought works well however, to a retired guy or a man of practice. A man of practice becomes tranquil when he apprehends Chuang Tzu¡¦s view on bound, time, environment and transmigration. His wisdom rises from Samadhi and then he reaches the unlimited nirvana. It is rational that the thought of Chunag Tzu is absorbed and become the major theory in the Tao religion.
