Extensive Interpretation of Tao Te Ching (5)B


Tao is like a bellows:


It is empty yet infinitely capable. The more you use it, the more it produces;


The more you talk of it, the less you understand.Rather, therefore, hold to the core.



The Heaven and the Earth(2) (7-9)¡C(5B¡C1)



7 My teacher said, ¡§While Tao get silent, it is unfathomable like the abyss and peaceful like the crystal clear lake. For example, the bell has the ability to emit sound; however, it often keeps silent. Only if it is knocked, it gives out sonorous sound to transmit it to the far.


8 If the bell doesn¡¦t have the quality of purity and silence, its sound should not be sonorous.


9 Tao endowed all things as the bell with the quality of composure and peace. They exert their functions only when necessary.



On Levelling All Things ( 1) (158-159)



158 The self-nature is endless and resourceful in our body. It plays overridingly leading role in our body; however, we don¡¦t know at all how it operates in consciousness.


159 We boldly consign our consciousness to self-nature which can lead it. Our consciousness relies on expert, just as we trust pilot of plane or capital of ship. In more time of Zen practice, we should set aside our consciousness. The action and attitude of above is called ¡§Concealing Light¡¨ in the Taoism.



Xianchi¡¦s interpretation and remark(5B¡C1-2)


1 We can define that Tao is Kuntalini, Qi, self-nature, Buddha-nature, essence, and refinement, which brings healthy, joyful and worry-free life to us via yoga. Tao however, is the handle of bellows that we have to push and pull hard so that wind would come out.

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2 We have to keep sitting in meditation and practice of yoga, and then Tao can arise unremittingly to permeate all part of our body.

3 Tao is inexhaustible, it is a treasure, but it would not fall from sky automatically; in order to gain it we have to practice diligently.

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Xianchi¡¦s interpretation and remark of Tao Te Ching (5 B) a5¡CB


1 Chinese idea of modesty possibly derives from Loatse¡¦s saying. In his view, unremitting wind from bellows results from empty cavity of bellows so that to it can make fire thrive. If the cavity is stuffed, no wind comes out.

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2 The western¡¦s view on modesty is different from ours. They think that when they make some achievement, they encourage themselves, which drives them to go on striving. A scholar with doctor degree spent years in passing exams to receive the degree, so he doesn¡¦t need to be modest by owing his success to something lucky. He wants to say that his effort is rewarded. He prints PHD on his business card to show to others and he would like to let others call him doctor.

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3 Modesty is not antonym of arrogance. A man, who really studies the Truth, knows that it is infinite and should not be arrogant because he knows that he is far from enough, nevertheless his achievement is from toil, net being wiped off. 

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4 Therefore, modesty is built on the concept that knowledge is profound and much effort must be made. It doesn¡¦t take it too far that his effort is affirmed and appraised, and even is propagated to some extent. 


5 Modesty is built on the concept that his own achievement is thought insufficient but the past effort is remembered to console and encourage and applaud for. The attitude can improve morale and courage.

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6 Actually, it is feint that cavity of bellows is empty. It is stuffed air and inhales new air, which is secret of blowing wind.

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7 The third chapter of Tao Te Ching has ¡§emptying their hearts; filling their bellies.¡¨ Emptying their hearts means that only broadening one¡¦s bosom can make it hold something, by which it is possible to fill one¡¦s belly.

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8 Modesty doesn¡¦t mean that I am shabby and my past effort is vain. Modesty is that the profundity is discovered after effort is made. There is still room to make effort for. Discovering the profundity is the achievement. 



9 A man solves some problems and then discovers more problems, endless. Without atmosphere distraction, satellite by human discovers the space is so marvelous and profound. We applaud for the achievement of satellite and sign modestly profound space. The two should be bewared of when talking about modesty. 



10 Laotse hold ¡§empty, and yet yielding a supply that hardly fails and work it, and more comes out¡¨. He takes much account of ¡§empty¡¨ that is the source of universe, seeming to be visional. The source seems visional, far, senseless and smell-less but it is inexhaustible power to supply all things. The more you use it; the more flourishing it becomes to offer various creatures that are very beautiful and pleasing.

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11 On the way of practice, Laotse thought that people should imitate universe, bringing out the main points and mastering gist and then apply it on everything, not taking stopgap measures.


12 Holding on a gist, you deal with various changes. Let¡¦s take an instance of my investment, shepherd plan, to explain it. Stock market is fluctuated and undetectable. An investor without gist buys and sells stock for profit. In theory, he should buy it at low price and sell at high price. In fact, ninety percent of them get frustrated. A few is the investors who can stay in stock market for long time and make fortune by it.

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13 We may discover that winners of stock market probably are the directors of boards of fine companies. They have survived through countless fluctuations and accumulated large quantity of wealth, with development of business.

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14 What are their secrets? The key one of all of your reasons must be that they hold the stock of themselves or not in long term. If ¡§the force of words is soon spent¡¨ by Laotse is looked as speculator in stock market ¡V the risk taker who scrambles, the words means that if your dealing frequency were too more, you would lose and flee someday.

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15 Far better is it to keep what is in the heart, which tell you that you hold it for a long time for long-term investment after you buy right stock.


16 If investor keep it in mind that he holds a gist to deal with various changes, nothing could hit him down. His wealth would increase gradually so that he could have a happy, stable and worry-money-free life.

17 If a man could carry well out shepherd plan, your sheep are like bellow¡X¡§empty, and yet yielding a supply that hardly fails. The more it works, and the more wind comes out¡¨. It is like the well in your backyard that supplies you with year-round water, making you living well.
