Extensive interpretation of Tao Te ching (7)





The universe is everlasting.




The reason the universe is everlasting is that it does not live for Self.




Therefore the Sage puts himself last, and finds himself in the foremost plast;




Regards his body as accidental, and his body is thereby preserved.




Is it not because he does not live for Self, that his self is realized?




Zeyang (10) (1-15)¡C(7¡C1)




1 Shaozhi asked Dagong Diao, ¡§What is the meaning of ¡¥The Words of Community¡¦?¡¨ Dagong Diao answered: ¡§Community is a settled residence where a group of people with different surnames or from different kins live and conserve the same customs.

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2 To be a whole, they are a community, however, if separates it into many individual units, actually, each of the unit has his own surname and comes from different kin.

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3 An animal that is called ¡¥horse¡¦ is made up of various parts. If you take different part individually, you won¡¦t get a whole horse.

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4 Small mud mounds accumulate to form a big mountain. Creeks converges to form a river. A great man gathers the mass to form a group. Petty ego doesn¡¦t insist on its own idea while complies with the common standards around which are taken as codes of their conduct. By this way, a big mountain, a river, a group is formed.

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5 The temperatures in four seasons are different, which results from nature¡¦s arrangement and control. The different seasons compose a year.


6 The central government includes many ministries, each of which has its own duty; various officials have their own jobs. The leader of the central government directs them to build an efficient government. If they work cooperatively, policy of government can be carried out smoothly.

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7 All creatures consist of various organs. Tao hides behind them to arrange and control them. Tao doesn¡¦t have selfness and doesn¡¦t take sides of a certain organ. Tao is no-self, so even it is the actual controller, we are difficult in naming it.



8 No-self is a necessary quality to be a leader. Once there is a self; there is selfness and selfish mind. If so, you can¡¦t become a leader taking care of all the benefit of the group. If there is no enough cohesion power in a group, it dismisses.

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9 Tao itself is of no-self, so it has no its own action and requirement. Thus it becomes a dominator of selflessness.

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10 Because of its selflessness, its order can be implemented. Various organs and organizations do the thing that Tao wants to do.


11 In the view of time, the surrounding around us is changing continuously; so is the weather, things, the people we meet, and even the mood we have is different everyday. The world is always changing; something in favors us, we say it is luck, something is averse to us, we say it is unlucky. Actually, the unluckiness and luckiness shift from one to another all the time.

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12 Something good seems helpless and even harmful in the beginning; however, with the evolution of time it may become favorable. Some people don¡¦t understand the property of change of the worldly affairs; as soon as he sees something wrong, he feels nervous. He forgot that if review the whole thing in the long term, the result might be totally different from what it is in the beginning.

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13 When some people see the development in the first phase, they are eager to make efforts to change it. In the most of time, the aftermath of change makes him to lose a good result.


14 To study Tao, we can refer to the swamp where assorted plants scramble to grow and also refer to the mountain, where various tree stands among the ripraps.

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15 The selfless toleration is what you asked the meaning of ¡¥The Words of Community.¡¨


Xianchi¡¦s interpretation and remark(7¡C1)



1 Laotse and Chunag Tzu their thought stresses integration. Laotse prefers ¡§Po¡¨¡Xan original lumber without cutting and Chuang Tzu emphasizes ¡§the words of community¡¨.


2 It makes mistakes and biases that people deal with things partially or provincially.


3 Ivory is a part of elephant but it doesn¡¦t represent elephant; hand is an important organ of man but it is not man; I am a graduate from OC but I can not
represent OC.


4 Of course we can¡¦t downgrade small units in an organization. Without feet, elephant is not itself; without hand, the man is a disabled, not a normal man.


5 How to reach harmony between the big organization and the small unit so as to make the big one exert his power? Chuang Tzu publicized the selfless Tao that conceals both in the big one and the small one to play a role of coordination and directing. It also conceals in each small units but it itself doesn¡¦t make a small unit. It is said no-self: no myself, no himself, no themselves and no self of all creatures from the beginning to the end of day. Due to no-self, it is of no personal interest and no selfishness. Its decision is made for all members, without any private interest, so all small units accept his leadership and orders and each unit does its own duty without complaint and dispute.

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6 Chuang Tzu pointed out how no selfishness is important to a leader. In human society, leader himself is also a member of organization. He has personal requirement, desire, and background of family and party.


7 Leader in human¡¦s organization have much difficulty in reaching no selfishness so the organization can¡¦t play the role as an individual person¡Xhis various organs work together well and closely.

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8 The successful one however, in human society is that each industry in society does its own duty and plays its own role. Teacher teaches students; merchant does business; army defends outer invasion; police maintains civil order; doctor treats patient; drama entertains audience; we who interpret classic book console people. Generally, each can exert himself and then society is peaceful.


9 If someday someone is dissatisfied with his works, he can learn new skill to change work. It is not difficult for him to change only if his educational background and ability are enough. According to this, most problems in human society are resulted from leaders. It is a significant issue for us in how to select talent, and how to educate, manage, and behave them to be our leaders.

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The Great Supreme (8) (6)¡C(7¡C2)



6 The Heaven cares everything selflessly, as does the Earth. They would not treat me so unkindly. Why do I become so?¡¨



The Heaven and the Earth(2) (1-6)¡C(7¡C3)


1 My teacher told me that the great and selfless Tao upholds all things. A man who intends to learn Tao must purify his heart and require himself to follow the ten doctrines as under mentioned.



¢°}To abide by the principle of Non-action¡X( Heaven).


¢±}To show his way of conduction in the society by what he is actually doing--(Virtue).


¢²}To love people and try his best to strive for their safety, interest and happiness-- (Benevolence).


¢³}To regard the different things as a whole. Not to expel them. Let the different things coexist harmoniously--(Greatness).


¢´}Do not try something unconventional or unorthodox and don¡¦t intend to being self come into prominence--(Clemency).


¢µ}To accept variety. Never love or hate something-- (Abundance).


¢¶}To keep his virtue intact and pure--(Discipline).


¢·}To have the ability to promote his virtue to other things-- (Establish).


¢¸}To comply with the spirit of Tao-- (Completeness).


¢°¢¯}To prevent from the distraction of the outward environment and to devote himself to complying with the spirit of Tao--(Perfection).



2 If a man can meet the said ten requirements, his heart is boundless and all things find their suitable channels and surge to him.



3 He then possesses everything. Of course, he will not show off his richness like the upstart who wearing the gold and silver accessories going around. He knows where the gold is, but he leaves it in the deep mountains; he knows where the pearl is, but he leaves it on the bottom of the oceans.



4 He doesn¡¦t care for his fortune; he doesn¡¦t seek for the fame and the wealth, he doesn¡¦t hunger for long life and doesn¡¦t regret his short life. When he with a high position, he feels nothing glorious. He feels nothing sad when he comes down to the world.

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5 He doesn¡¦t bend his brain to the worldly wealth and the private interest. He doesn¡¦t think that it is a honor to be a leader. When he is in power, he looks the country as a family without any discrimination.


6 To him, the life and death are the two sides of one thing without difference. Not happy for living and not sad for death. Both are the stages of transmigration.



Xianchi¡¦s interpretation and remark(7¡C2)(7¡C3)





1 The rules elaborated by Chuang Tzu to get wisdom are different in name from Buddha¡¦s regulations, but the goals are same in some respects. For example: Reduction desire for content is as same as gold concealed in hill, pearl sunk in deep lake, making no fortune, keeping from riches and honors. Enjoying the tranquil place is to abide by the principle of Inaction¡X Heaven. Having strong will and courage is to have the ability to promote his virtue to other things¡XEstablish. The known referring to body is to show his way of conduction in the society by what he is actually doing--virtue. Deed without breaking is to keep his virtue intact and pure--Discipline. Persisting practice to progress is completeness and intactness. Holding wise, keeping and practicing liberation is that death and birth are same.

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2 The Truth is the only one that is valid everywhere. The truth has no label, no sect and no religion, which is Tao.




Xianchi¡¦s interpretation and remark of Tao Te Ching (7) a7




1 Diamond Sutra has it that Buddha often cares for all bodhisattvas and often imparts to them; man and woman, who believe in Buddha, triggered supreme correct enlightenment, they should employ no-self and being flexibility to eliminate the deluded mind.


2 No-self is that there is no myself, no himself, no themselves and no self of all creatures from the very beginning to the end of day. Advanced regulations of Buddha practice have requirements as follows: don¡¦t think or say what I want to practice, and never say that I have been successful in certain practice. If you say so, expert know at once that actually you have not succeeded yet or you have no opportunity to succeed because once there is mark of self, all opportunities of success are gone.

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3 It strictly requires no mark of self. Isn¡¦t it selflessness? It requires selflessness and no-self to care for all bodhisattvas; so does it in human¡¦s world. The difference between Bodhisattva and non-Bodhisattva is the great power that could control all things and operation of universe. The operation of universe is delicate, a trivia change affecting the whole. If a powerful Bodhisattva, who is selfish, holding mark of myself, himself, themselves and the self of all creatures from the very beginning to the end of day, he would do certain actions to benefit himself, family, clan and even species, and the effect would be far-reaching. Hence, before the heaven and earth endow you with the great power of control, you are required to be selfless and no-self.

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4 A party that is entrusted by people manipulates the great machine of government. Its policy would have influence on all people¡¦s fate. The higher the position is; the greater the influence is. It is required to manipulate selflessly, which is rational. 

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5 To the contrary, if an official of high position governs his country without selflessness, it is very impossible for him to continue his term. Laotse said that long governance required no-self, selflessness and no private interest, the governor should put his own interest far behind, and it is better to forget his own interest, by which the long governance could last for a longer time.

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6 The power of a man of practice including theurgy, magic feet, heaven eye and supernatural power that derives from practices have absolute influence on common people. If you have no virtue, no righteous ways, no selflessness, and can not eliminate mark, the heaven and earth wouldn¡¦t endow you with the power.

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7 Laotse instructs people to be sage and Buddha instructs people to be Bodhisattva, the way and advise they give all focus on no-self, and selflessness. We all along believe that the Truth is exclusive. Do we prove it in the concept of no-self and selflessness?   

