25.05.2003 Sun.

今朝又要返choir...出左行之後, 打過俾edwin...但佢仲訓緊覺呀...梗係啦...尋晚俾我攪到佢咁夜先返屋企....>.< 今日choir 琪琪冇返喎....second o個part 得我一個lead 住..我o個part 仲要得o個4丁友...first o個part 多我地兩三倍人呀...>.< 但miss 今日竟然話我lead 得好呀...哈哈...我不嬲都好o架啦....不過...之前..琪琪o係度...顯唔出我有幾勁ja ma...^^ 今日唔洗帶口罩唱歌呀.....哈哈...終於可以好易咁唱到高音個A o勒....前排要戴口罩...唱個A 唱得勁辛苦呀...因為真係吸少好多氣...有首歌都已經唱左好耐o架喇....第一次唱係01年....但我真係覺得佢好好聽呀.....d 歌詞好正....雖然就係呢首歌高音到去到A....但係唱得咁用力都係值o既....因為好聽...^^ o個首歌叫「The Greatest Love of All」呀......


I believe the children are the future, teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride, to make it easier; let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be. Everybody's searching for a hero, people need someone to look up to. I never found anyone who fulfilled that need; a lonely place to be, so I learned to depend on me. I decided long ago never to walk in anyone's shadow; if I fail, if I succeed, at least I lived as I believe, and no matter what thay take from me, they can't take away my dignity; Because the grestest of love is happening to me. I found the greatest love of all inside of me. The greatest love of all is easy to achieve, learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all. And if by chance thatt special place that you've been dreaming of, leads you to a lonely place, find your strength in love.

之後, edwin 去左飲茶...之後, 要幫佢阿哥新居搬野呀...我就去左彩雲同阿珊食野...之後, 就出旺角行街買生日禮物俾big wing...因為big wing 星期三生日呀.....o係彩雲同阿珊仲有佢阿婆食大排檔魚蛋粉...唔多鍾意食魚蛋o既我....叫左碗牛肚河....佢婆婆唔知係咪驚我唔夠飽....仲嗌多左碟油菜同淨魚蛋呀.....我食左少少....好飽呀.....今日落雨落得好勁呀......我又冇帶遮喎....>.< 之後, 去左等27號巴士.....等等下...edwin 話出門口去搬野lu.....我梗係叫佢小心d 啦....尋日佢自己先話隻手仲未好得晒...但都好鬼大力囉....衰豬丫...^^ 等左都好耐車呀......攪到我俾蚊錫錫左好多啖呀...>.< 好痕呀!!!

出到旺角...攪掂晒big wing d 禮物...就行左一陣街..我又買左d 野喇...哈哈......買左一條?頭髮o既橡筋.....又買左塊一set 公仔o既鏡同梳..^^好靚靚o架....又唔貴喎....^^ o係旺角中心二樓錶舖隔離o既一間買飾物o既 counter....見到條天使吊墜o既鍊好靚靚呀...$198 呀....我梗係冇$$買喇....>.<o個個sales 仲話有埋手鍊一set 添o架...o個條手鍊仲貴....$268 呀!!>.<

又去左cyber 機舖隔離間麥記喎.....阿珊話有同學o係度做....真係俾我見到李玉珍呀......仲見到蔡潔瑩o係counter 添呀.....我要朱古力奶昔..阿珊要雪碧喎....佢收我地細o既價錢..但俾左杯大o既我...仲俾左杯加大o既阿珊添呀....犀利!!!!^^

5點鐘...就搭車返屋企lu.....行左咁耐....都冇咩落雨....但到我落車o個時..又落到超大雨喎....淋到濕晒呀...攪到一返到屋企就去左沖涼...打過俾edwin 但又冇人聽喎....到我去左沖涼佢先打唻.....之後...我沖完涼出唻......都係搵唔到佢.....

到我食完飯......打左好多次都搵唔到佢.....攪到我人都憫埋....>.< 最尾...佢打唻...原來佢個電話擺左o係佢媽媽度...所以聽唔到......