about meeeh...briefly....
im vic ... im honki...canto...more about meeh? i am 4eva lost. and im *jing*/quiet. loud. residez in syd, ma vocab consists of...waaa, leng zai~, hou kyut ar, hou moon ah, aiya..hehehe~~ LIKES aZn musik [hk,krn,jap], cs, 慢畫, ecko ^^ , feel 100%, hk wafflez, honki moviez, lemon tea, pearl tea,cityDISLIKES durian! thatz ewwwwy~~

---scroll down---

¤ a b o u t ¤
name ¤ Victoria W
my name meanz ¤ The name of Victoria gives you a clever, quick, analytical mind, but you suffer with a great deal of self-consciousness, lack of confidence, and much aloneness because of misunderstandings. Your idealistic and sensitive nature gives you a deep appreciation for the finer things of life and a strong desire to be of service to humanity. There are times when you experience inner turbulence at your inability to say what you mean. It is far easier for you to express your deeper thoughts and feelings through writing than verbally. You find pleasure in literature, in poetry, and in your ideals and will turn to them when you feel you have been misunderstood. You are deeply moved by the beauties of life, especially nature. Because your feelings run deep, you must guard against the ups and downs, being very inspired one minute, then moody, reserved, and depressed the next. Your reactions to people vary according to how you feel. You tend to be secretive and noncommittal about private matters, yet at times you will talk effusively in order to hide your self-consciousness or to lead others away from personal subjects. You are inspired by encouragement from others, yet suspicious of their intent. You crave affection but seldom find anyone who understands your nature. Physical weaknesses would show in your heart, lungs, or bronchial organs. - from http://kabalarians.com/
nicknames ¤ vic, vicki, tori,toria weidorleyar canto 4 victoria, bic, icky vicky
age ¤ 13
dob ¤ 17/08/1989
skool ¤ HGHS
form ¤ form 2
nationality ¤ i look viet/filo except i'm chinese! **fahn bahn honki** ABC..
hair colour ¤ blak,brown(only in da sun i rkn)
eye colour ¤ brown
zodiac sign ¤ leo
chinese zodiac ¤ snake

¤ c o n t a c t ¤
mob ¤ 0422..yup das meeh..i pranked u remember?
spam me ¤ aznhonki@hotmail.com
msn ¤ aznhonki@hotmail.com

¤ f a v z ¤
canto ¤ bands, singers ¤ boyz [kenny n steven], eason chan, edison chen, elva siu, jay chou, juno mak, kelly chen, miriam yeung, sammi cheng, shine, twins...
krn ¤ bands, singers ¤ shinhwa, fly to the sky,kangta
jap ¤ bands, singers ¤ ayumi hamasaki, utada hikaru, w-inds
brandz ¤ ecko and hk stuffz
carz ¤ Honda Integra typeR, Toyota Celica
characters ¤ doraemon, hello kitty, mashimaro, pochacco, pucca, sanrio!~~
colour ¤ blue (sky)
comic ¤ Good Morning Call
drink ¤ Lemon tea, Pearl tea
food ¤ hk waffle, pasta, pizza, sushi
games ¤ cs, big2
movie ¤ 夏日的麼麼茶[summer holiday], 星願 [Fly Me To Polaris], save the last dance
restaurant ¤ Marigold Restaurant (( da one on sussex street city? ))
school subject ¤ musik, va, comp studiez..
sports ¤ soccer and bball
tv shows ¤ Y2K+01, 流金歲月, 百分百感覺,

¤ o b s e s s i o n ¤
edison chen, shawn yue, mugen, honda integra typeR...

¤ r a n d o m s u r v e y ¤ as of 9th October 2003
i want~* to live in hong kong
i have~* a collection of hello kitty figurines standing on the top of my computer monitor
i love~* uHmmmm my cOmP...hAhAhAhA
i miss~* hong kong, someone, some things in life that i had...but not anymore (to name a few)
i fear~* any sort of test or exam
i feel~* lost, as alwaiz
i hear~* my bro playing the piano, and musik from my comp
i smell~* nothing
i crave~* pearl tea
when was the last time:
you smiled ?~* todai, to the lady that gav me my film kaka
laughed?~* todai, while watching survivors law with bro on vid
bought something?~* 2dai, last thing i bought today was a "banana pancake" mmm itz got an improved taste...yum yum i fink itz got honey in it now..
danced?~* last term, for gym routine
were sarcastic?~* todai, while my bro was telling somefink
cried?~* looooooooong time ago
watched your favourite movie?~* on sunday, 5/10/03 parent trap was on tv.. hehe i stayed at natz house until it was over =))
had a nightmare?~* 4/10/03 maaaan at nite..insted of dreaming of eason...had this nightmare..now i dun remember it...but i remember waking up and saying "she'z in da hospital" w00t w00t..
hugged someone?~* last dai of term
last book your read?~* harry potter and the order of the pheonix
last movie you saw?~* not counting the parent trap one on tv, last movie i saw was fate fighter, for the fact that nicky cheung was in it .. and anson leung? =D
last song you heard?~* not including the one im listening to atm, then itz "S" i swear
last thing you drank?~* coke
last time you showered?~* todai
last thing you ate?~* nooodlez
last phone number you called:~* err! no one!! don't hav free time nemore - . - hahahahha
sleep with stuffed animals?~* nupz
live in the moment?~* sydney
have a boyfriend/girlfriend?~* nupz
have a crush?~* yes! atm; COLIN FARRELL!
remember your first love?~* wahahahaha yupz
believe it's possible to stay faithful to one person forever?~* heh??
play an instrument?~* piano
believe there is life on other planets?~* nuh
read the newspaper?~* about exactly a year ago; for school
have any gay or lesbian friends?~* nupz
believe in miracles?~*yeah
consider yourself tolerant to others?~* sometimes
consider love a mistake?~* nupz
like the taste of alcohol?~* yupz v^^
believe in astrology?~* not all the time
have any secrets?~* yupz
have any animals/pets?~* nupz
do well in school?~* no! i bludge in every class. how i got into hornsby i dont know (fluke)
go or plan to go to university?~* yupz
talk to strangers who instant message you?~* well yes, usually they are connected to my friend
wear hats?~* yeah!
have any piercings?~* yupz
have any tatoos?~*dun want n e
hate yourself?~* yeah wen i say something wrong
have an obsession?~* no, i have more than ONE obsession!! kekeke
wish on stars?~* yeah!! when i was small, my cousin Melissa taught my brother and i the "starlight starbright" wish thing
like your handwriting?~* yupz! kix ur ass~!
have a dream that keeps coming back?~* yupz
have a best friend? yupz, kaka yes joanne, mei is my besti *thumbzup*
have any bad habits?~* yeah! wen im extremely bored i look for split ends on my hair! argh i h8 split ends =))
take walks in the rain?~* no itz not fun!
sing in the shower?~* haar haar no!
own handcuffs?~* heeeh!! i'd arrest colin farrell for being so gawd damn HOT!
have any scars?~* yeah~
¤ My Handwritin'