歡迎光臨 -- 尋布農特區 --! UnDeR ConStruCtion*~~....!!!-----*MOre COming up Very sOon~~~~ 好快就掂ga la!!!~


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2003年7月7日(星期日) 03:38






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My ICQ# --- 86098608

Band's ICQ# ---100831838


Band festival 指定歌 download  (you have to use realplayer to listen)

2003 band festival - Toccata - G. Frescobaldi.mp3

*Plz right-click and choose "save as" to download them!!!~~*

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       尋布農日記   2003年6月11日(星期三)  updated~
天陰陰 + 好大雨
Wow~ today oral exam ar.....real HKCEE lei ga......and it's the worst oral i ve ever done... first, i waited for one and half hour...it's tedious!.......then i got my exam paper finally at 1745.

For part A, it was okay, but i was very disappointed with the examiners...i asked "WHY will you.....?", tht fat woman answered "I will ....."...then i said "Why?".....she said "becoz i wanted to"........tht fatty thing dun even know the difference between What and Why.....RUBISHHHHHHHHH.....~~~~~~*

and for part B, it should be the worst discussion i've ever had...the other 3 guys are not speaking at all, and when they speak, they use up many time....(for eg: TOooodaayyyyyyyyyy......Weeeeeeeee areeeeee gooooingggggggg to...tto.......to...tot.... eeeeeeerrrrrrrr......discussED?...about ..................) at the middle of the discussion, i couldn't go on coz i dunhave anymore to say!... and i asked "do u have any ideas?" all of them looked at their piece of paper, and kept silent.....XXXXXXXXXX...

what makes me more disapointed was...the examiners did not press the timer for the 2 mins(for us to read te topic for discussion)....and i m sure it was only about one minute when tht fatty woman said IMMEDIATELY "u may now start".......we were all stunned.....XXXXX....so as examiner 2, he didnt press the timer for the 6min talk.....rly rly very veyr baD!@_@...

there are more.,.....dun wanna think anymore...becoZ it is oVErrrrRRRR!@!!$$#!$#!!!!!!!!...hbawhhahaah finally finished HKCEE.....Happyyyyyyy!

       尋布農日記   2003年6月5日(星期四)  updated~
Boismotier... I was having a 2-3 persons bucket meal with a friend. We were both eating a piece of chicken and suddenly, a loud "bang" sound was heard. A huge black mouse sucessfully, though badly LANDED on the table where we were having our meal. We were stunned. We looked at it and it looked at us for about a second, then, under the control of our CNS, we carried out the fastest-possible human reflex actions - escape.


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