B301 Unit 8 Foreign currency translations and branch accounting

Foreign Currency Translation Branch Accounting Foreign Branch

HKSSAP11 Foreign Currency Translation (1986)                           

Exchange differences -> Income statement.

They are translated at the exchange rate ruling at transaction dates or at contracted rates. No Exchange gain or loss.


Foreign currency assets financed by foreign currency borrowing 


Forward Contract: an agreement to exchange different currencies at a specified future date and at a specified rate (forward rate).

Disclosure requirements:


Branch Accounting                                                                           


  Overseas branches                                                                               


Activity 8.11 (Revised answer)

The closing rate method should be used for translation of branch's account balances if the foreign branch operates as a separate business with foreign finance. On the other hand, the temporal method should be adopted if the foreign branch operates as an extension of the company's trade (e.g. selling agent) and depends on the finance of head office.

If the closing rate method is adopted, all account balances of foreign branch are translated by closing exchange rate (however, the revenue and expense items can be translated either by closing rate or average exchange rate). As to temporal method of translation, non-monetary items should be translated by the exchange rate ruling at the time they are incurred, whilst monetary items are translated by the closing exchange rate.

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