Notes to Visitors

Welcome to our website "A Trip to the Central Police Station". This website is created by the team of Roni Au, Andy Lam, Tony Lam, Charles Lieou and Ricky Liu. This website is believed to be the first one about the Central Police Station.


This website includes the complete history and photos of the Central Police Station. Most of the information are not available elsewhere, so this website is believed to be very unique.


All photos in this website are taken by Roni Au and Charles Lieou. You are not allowed to copy any of these photos or the information posted in here without our permission. If you need to do so, please send an email to Andy Lam (our Chinese division webmaster) or Charles Lieou (our English division webmaster) before doing so. Usually your request will be approved, but you will have to state clearly any acknowledgements and the source of photos. If any of the information or photos are pirated, our team reserve the privileges to perform actions (include, but not limited to legal actions) to protect our properties.


All informations herein are correct according to our personal knowledge, and we will not be responsible for any loss or damages caused by this website, since the using of information in the website is at your own risk.

Date: 08/05/2002