

Zenith, a word which brings us to the vision of the best state, is the name that draws the climbers onto a mountainous journey to the climax. Being a group of enthusiastic St. Paulians, we are keen to bring you onto the trail we will open up, to deliver to you the summit with a panoramic picturesque, and endeavour to climb up to the climax.

Zenith - The Best State


Working as a team, the eight of us have a common hope that bonds us together in the Zenith, a common goal we earnestly aspire to achieve as a student body - that is, our visions.

To Serve...
As an official body representing students, our primary aim is to serve all students. We are eager to promote the welfare of students, aiming to bring about chances where St. Paulians can present their talents and develop their potentials.

To Establish...
Being an infant student union, we strive to establish a foundation for the future development of our successors. In reviewing past experiences and developing a more concrete foundation, we hope to bring about the betterment of the Student Union and the school.

To Build up...
Through our Student Union, we aim to build up a stronger sense of belonging to the school among students. The anticipation of our Student Union is to awaken students, develop a stronger cohesion among all - and hence to bring us onto the better discovery of a St. Paulian identity.

Building our Foundation

To target the Zenith, we have established our own tangible aims as a foundation to cater for you.

We believe that St. Paulians show a great relevancy to all school matters. We will put continuous effort in increasing the transparency of school administration and raise publicity of our Student Union among students.

We are always filled with enthusiasm to accommodate your needs. We endeavour to build up a closer relationship with you and we will reflect your voices.

We will act as the bridge between the school and you - reflecting your voices and emphasizing on mutual communication. Regular meetings with the school will be carried out to achieve our role as a substantial bridge.

We will organize a wide range of activities to provide for the different needs of students. It is our hope that through our encouragement and your participation, you can develop your interests and potentials in various aspects.

Reaching the Zenith

Our visions guide us along our trail. We will lead you to the summit where the best state is awaiting us. Entrust us upon the eventful journey, and we will bring you a most promising year. To reach the Zenith, we will need YOU to provide us the chance.

Zenith - The Best State