Name Boa Joey Anna Tsuchiya 范瑋琪
Birth  1986.11.5 June 16, 1980 11 march 1984
Music Hip-Hop all Rock soft,love
Introduce She can speak English , Japanese and Korean, good at dance , she is so young same as me....But have a good future She is so cute and have a sweet voice, i love her when she have her first album ANNA TSUCHIYA was born on March 11, 1984 and is half Japanese and half American.  In addition to being Spin Aqua's vocalist, she writes most of Spin Aqua's lyrics, of which about half are in Japanese and half are in English, and she co-wrote with Kaz the music of their "mermaid" single.  Before Spin Aqua, ANNA TSUCHIYA was a successful model in Japan.

去年以【啟程】這首歌,隨著【愛情白皮書】電視劇的播出,范瑋琪用她撫慰人心的范式唱腔,唱進了海峽兩岸三地歌迷的心,也讓大家見識到范范堅強的歌唱實力。而【啟程】這首歌,更獲得了2003年【Channel V】觀眾票選十大最受歡迎年度單曲的殊榮。范瑋琪的聲音也開始在華人世界,像初昇的太陽漸漸地亮起來。2002年范范的【啟程】,確實地為范瑋琪的歌唱事業跨出全新的一步。

Birthplace Korea Hong Kong Tokyo Taiwan
website boa's website joey's wevsite Anna's website 范瑋琪website