Site Update...
+  [DATE]  27/08/05
    (click 上面的圖圖可以返回main page 的)


+  啤梨現在除了Mon-Fri晚上11:0pm-1:00am做"卡拉o! babe" 外, Mon-Fri下午4:00pm-5:00pm也做 "聯fan bar code"

Master Words...
+  又改版了....可能以後都沒有時間改版了...
+  本網網址:


Barry's Message...
No Title / BARRY
So happy to see you guys in any of my functions. and happy to share the happiness of getting the "新城國語力歌曲獎" 愛情倒轉. YEAH!!! This is my first time to dance with my song, and maybe this is the last too!
Hope to see you guys again in the summer. CICI... thanks for updating the web la ^_^
No.10 2005/08/15(Mon) 02:06