Meteor Garden Synopsis/流星花園劇情(1)

The opening sequence opens with Shan Cai (acted by Big S, Xu Xi Yuan) on her scooter, on her way to the prestigious school, Ying De Xue Yuan (name). Her scooter breaks down and she has to push her scooter to school. A fellow schoolmate, the arrogant Bai He (acted by Bei Er) stops beside her in her Mercedes and offers her a GUCCI handkerchief to clean her hands. Bai He condescendingly complains that it is all Shan Cai’s fault that the school is not listed on the World Business records. 

(Shan Cai reaches school after a long walk. She talks to the cleaner who says that Shan Cai is probably the only person in the whole school who knows what a stove looks like.  

Bai He’s good friend, Qian Hui (acted by Zhang Ru Qin) walks out of her car. The 2 friends meet at the school’s entrance and starts showing off to each other their branded wear. 

In school, Shan Cai meets up with her good friend, Li Zhen (played by Ye An Ting). Li Zhen is a poor student who is on scholarship. Thus, the two bond together since they are both not from well-to-do families. They discuss the attitude of the rich kids in the school.) 

In the classroom, a student, Ah Shu is picking up his books which are scattered all over the room. Apparently, Ah Shu had openly gone against the notorious F4 and is forced to withdraw from school voluntarily. Everyone is looking at him from outside the classroom but no one dares to help him for fear that F4 will make trouble for them. Outside the classroom, Ah Shu’s things fall all over the floor and Shan Cai almost helps him but is stopped by Li Zhen. The latter reminds Shan Cai of not to incur F4’s wrath. The teacher ( acted by Ah Liang) comes by. On hearing that Ah Shu was forced to leave because of F4, the teacher tells Ah Shu that since he is the clack sheep of the school, he should try to be a better person after quitting school. 

In class, the teacher teaches about “CONSCIENCE” and says that people must have conscience. Shan Cai is disgusted that the teacher, who has practically no conscience, has the cheek to teach it in class. She storms out of the classroom and goes to the balcony at the top floor of the building. She expresses her disgust with the school, the teacher and F4. She decides that she will not surrender to them if ever they ever tried to make trouble for her and feels bad that she did not help Ah Shu just now. At this point, two cars pull up outside the school and the F4 (played by Jerry Yan – Dao Ming Si (Ah Si), Vic Zhou – Hua Ze Lei (Lei), Vanness Wu – Mei Zuo, Ken Zhu – Xi Men) steps out.  

Shan Cai is walking with Li Zhen to PE lessons. F4 comes in their direction and they stop. At that moment, the teacher walks right into Ah Si and spills his drink onto Ah Si. He quickly apologizes fervently and desperately tries to clean Ah Si’s clothes and shoes. Ah Si then asks him (condescendingly) if he would have apologized if the person he bumped into were not him (Ah Si). The teacher then sadly tells Ah Si that he (ah si) will never see him (teacher) in school again. Ah Si raises his hand and the teacher runs away thinking that Ah Si is going to hit him. Teacher knocks into Shan Cai and Li Zhen and topples their basket. F4 arrogantly walks away, kicking the toppled basket even further away. However, as three of them walks on, Lei stops to pick up the basket and made eye contact with Shan Cai.  

Shan Cai works at a cake shop with her high school best friend, Xiao You. She tells Xiao You about the F4 and her repulsion to the system in school. Apparently, the F4 – Flower 4 - guys, with Ah Si being the richest of them, are from the four prestigious families who open the Ying De Xue Yuan (and own many other businesses) and thus hold enormous power in the school. However, she also mentions that one of them (Lei) seems different. She decides that she will keep a low profile in the next 4 years and will not attempt to stick her nose into other people’s business. Xiao You feels that Shan Cai has changed tremendously since high school and does not stand up to bullies like she used to. Shan Cai does not like what she has become. She feels she is not at all suited for Ying De. 

At home, Shan Cai asks her mother if it is possible for her not to study in Ying De anymore. Her mother is shocked and gets a slight asthma attack (probably faking it??). The parents had borrowed money in order to stay in a bigger house and send Shan Cai to the school. Shan Cai’s mother wants her to get a rich husband from the school so that they can have a good life. As a result, Shan Cai reluctantly agrees to remain in the school. 

The F4 are in a pub where Xi Men is seeing a new girl who goes that pub. Lei keeps looking at his handphone. He seems to be waiting for someone to call. A group of guys enter the pub. One of them is the boyfriend of Xi Men’s girl and they pick a fight with Xi Men. All of them gets into a big fight. Lei calmly walks over to the bar and takes out of a stack of notes to pay the boss for the damages. 

In school, Shan Cai and Li Zhen are walking down the stairs when Li Zhen trips and spills all her things over the person who was walking up the stairs – Ah Si ! Both of them are shocked and Li Zhen frantically tries to clean up the mess she made. Ah Si pushes Li Zhen away and she knocks into the wall. Shan Cai is angered and shouts at Ah Si. She scolds Ah Si for being a useless person who only knows how to capitalize on his parents’ influential status and thus has no right to push everyone around. However, as soon as she says that, she regrets, as she knows that they will definitely come for her. When she returns home, she tells her parents that she may not be able to study in Ying De anymore. However, her mother hyperventilates again and Shan Cai has no choice but to promise to bear with the school no matter what. 

That night, Shan Cai does not sleep well and dreams of the F4 coming for her. Sure enough, the next morning, everyone in school avoids her. On her back, there is a red note pasted that says “You’ll Be Dead – F4” which is an official note by the F4 informing her that they will make things extremely difficult for her. In a class test, the students throw answers at her to make it look like she was cheating. The teacher sends her out of the class. Many pranks were played on her and even Li Zhen is afraid of talking to Shan Cai. Shan Cai spends the whole day running away from people. At the end of the day, Li Zhen runs to give Shan Cai a small soft toy that can record voices and tells Shan Cai she’s sorry. Shan Cai is furious that they are playing all these pranks on her. She runs to the balcony again and curses the F4 members. Lei is there. He hears everything but offers Shan Cai his handkerchief to clean herself. She says sorry for cursing him but he claims he is not interested in other people’s matters. Ah Si, impressed by her perseverance, promises to make life even more difficult for her 

Shan Cai decides to train up herself to fight the F4. She makes her own “red note”. The next day, she storms up to Ah Si, and pastes the red note on his head, declaring her war against F4. Xiao You is happy that Shan Cai has finally decided to stand up against the bullies. But apparently, Shan Cai has no plans on how to counterattack.

Ah Si hires two guys to scare Shan Cai. They pretend to try to take advantage of Shan Cai. She runs but they manage to pin her down. Lei appears and saves her. The two guys run away. She starts crying as she tries to overcome her shock. Lei then does a hand stand and tells her that when he was younger, a friend once told him that if you ever feel like crying, just stand on your hands, and the tears will not be able to flow out. 

The two guys reports back to Ah Si at his mansion. They tell him what they did and that Lei saved her. Angered by what happened, Ah Si pushed the two into the swimming pool. 

Furious over the incident, Shan Cai storms up to Ah Si the next day, pushes him and punch him in the face. She scolds him for doing such a despicable thing to a girl. She runs up to the balcony again and is exhilarated at what she did. 

Ah Si ponders over Shan Cai and shows signs of softening his hard exterior. 

Shan Cai tries to look for Lei at the balcony and is disappointed when she does not see him. She looks for him in the auditorium and sees him practicing his violin. He is staring at the handphone as he plays the violin. She thanks him for saving her from the two guys and tells him she will continue to look for him at the balcony. But Lei says if that’s the case, he will not go to the balcony again. 

Ah Si ponders over Shan Cai again. 

The next day, it is written on the board that Shan Cai is immoral and has had 2 abortions.