Ķ ¦Û¡GAvanced Biology, Principle & Applications, by C.J.Clegg with D.G.Mackean, p. 116 Question No. 3

(Cambridge Int. June 1992 Paper 3 Question 1)

The figure below shows the external features of a cartilaginous fish and a bony fish.

(i) Write down the names of the structures labelled A, B, C, D and E for either te cartilaginous fish or the bony fish.
(ii) What is the name of the part of the fish indicated by label F in the figure ?

6 marks
(b) Both fishes depicted in the figure are camouflaged.
(i) Explain the need for camouflage in one or both of these fishes.
(ii) Explain how the pattern and arrangement of the camouflage is effective.

4 marks
(c) List three features, visible in the figure, which could be used to distinguish between these two types of fishes, for example in a dichotomous key.

3 marks
(d) The exchange of the gases oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs by diffusion across a respiratory surface.
(i) Name the respiratory surface of a fish.
(ii) State two structural features of a fish's respiratory surface which aid gaseous exchange.

3 marks
(e) Explain how a fish ventilates its gills.

5 marks
(f) Explain how a fish maintains buoyancy. (In your answer make it clear whether you are describing a cartilaginous or a bony fish.)4 makrs
