Books and writing in the Renaissance

Books were one the first things to change in the Renaissance.

 ~ Writers began to tell stories about daily life.

~ In the Middle Ages, most books were about religion, saints how to get to heaven.

~ Writers began to use the own language.

~ In the Middle Ages, most books were in Latin.

~ People are more enjoyed in the new stories.

Some important Renaissance writers

  Dante (Italian, 1265- 1321)

  The most famous book of him is The Divine Comedy.

~ It is about making a journey to hell to look for his dead girlfriend. In the hell, he meets many famous people from the past and talks to them.

Chaucer (English, 1340 ¡V1400)

  The most famous book of his is The Canterbury Tales,

~ It is about a group of people are making a pilgrimage to the shrine of a saint at Canterbury. They tell stories to entertain themselves.

Boccaccio (Italian, 1313-75)

  The most famous book of him is The Decameron.

~ It is about a group of young nobles going on a journey to escape a plague. To pass the time, each one tells a story. The stories are funny.

Shakespeare (English, 1564-1616)

  He wrote a lot of famous plays,

~ such as, Romeo and juliet, Julius caesar and Hamlet.