
my music world

pre-university stage

Before i got into university, my music world was filled with oldies from the 70s', thanks to my old man.  He's a man with passions in those old songs from America.  He's always anti-Chinese for no reasons, especially when it comes to music.  Since i started living with him (around primary four), my lullabies were those from the radio.  Elvis, Beatles, ABBA, etc... i could almost remember every single word of these songs.  And that's when i got the chance to know more about the Carpenters.  Yeap, my Carpenters.  From the show called 'the Karen Carpenter Story',  started to fall in love with her voice.  i started to collect her CDs, one by one, and later, i finally got a copy of Karen's biology.  That's one of the few things i have done when it comes to 'idol worship', 'cos frankly, i don't have any real idol at all.  Alright, my music world at the pre-university stage, here, i am gonna introduce many of the Carpenters' songs that i have enjoyed for years. 




    under construction

