my music world

during-university stage


My five years in university were a mixture of tears and laughter.  Come to think of it, i spent half of my time crying and being sorrow!  Yet, even up to this moment, i still believe that my time spent in university is so far the best time that has ever happened in my life!  Even more, i started to listen to as many Chinese pop music as i could, it's like a person just getting free from prison and he's eating all he could get, as he couldn't have any chance for such various kinds of food when he's in prison.  To me, it's just more or less the same.  but don't get me wrong, i don't mean that i hate oldies.  in fact, i think they have given me something that i couldn't find in Chinese pop songs.  It's just that it's like a brand new world awaiting me and i just spent my years afterwards to explore this world, while my old world remains on my bookshelf.

At different periods, i tend to listen to some particular songs.  After years of practice, it seems like these particular songs represent one particular time of life.  And now, when these songs are played again, i couldn't think of nothing but those old times.  There were good times and there were sad moments.  Here, i wanna share with you some of those special songs, some of the special moments or incidents, and some of my special feelings...




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