My parents~~~* part 2

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The unforgettable trip~~~~~* New Zealand

The favourite toys when they were small~~*
Last year, my parents went to New Zealand to join my Auntie Chirstine's wedding. This was the first time they went to New Zealand, so they was felt very exciting and happy before they go.When they were arrived, they were shocked about that the air was very fresh and the enviroment was very good in New Zealand. And they also were promised that when they were retire and when my brother and I grow up, can take care of myself, then they will emigrate to New Zealand to enjoy the rest life. My Mum and my Dad were very poor when they small, so they couldnt afford to buy the expensive toys to play, but they could do it by themselves. And my Mum's favourite toy is the doll, she likes making the clothes for the doll.And my Dad's favourite toy is the toy car, and the toy plane. He had his first toy car when he was 12 years old.