虚無の中での遊戯 (虛無中的游戲)Lyrics&Composed by Mana


Caught between the crevice of delusion and reality
surge vague twine rip assault mind
Through the shattered pieces of glass Countless rays o light are reflected


In my ruined and dissolute mind

I ridicule nihility, I dissipate in solitary

Cold blood flows

My faded mind is slipping through


From yonder of darkness, pierced light awakened the past

Eternity of time is ticking away endlessly, Reminiscence

From yonder of time, the present tied to the past

With pieces of recollection, Reminiscence


From yonder of darkness, the broken pieces of recollection, Reminiscence

Eternity of time is ticking away endlessly, Reminiscence

Light pierced awakened the past, Reminiscence


Why am I here nowhere?

Just stare at the end of the everlasting infinity

Enormous wandering shadows are crumbling

Time passes as your heart mingles with the flowing waters


slimy hole bind detain insane sensual

surge vague twine assault mind


Crumbling forms are closing in towards me

I wish everything would collapse and scatter away


From yonder of darkness, Reminiscence

Recollection, Reminiscence


 妄想と現実のはざまに渦巻く あらゆる苦脳

心を映したガラスの破片に 無数の屈折した光が反射している

 荒れ果てすさみきった虚無の中で 自らをあざけり笑う孤独の遊戯

冷たい血潮が流れる肢体から 色褪せた心が抜け出していく





よく見てごらん 無限に広がる永遠の果てを



 迫りくるあらゆる苦悩 全てが破れ砕け散る時

