Long biography---

        Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is one of the greatest musical  geniuses of
all time. He was a master at almost every kind of musical composition. He left
over 600 beautiful works.

On a cold winter day, January 27, 1756, the young genius was born in Salzburg, Austria. His parents were Anna Maria and Leopold Mozart. He had one older sister-Nannerl. The Mozart family lived in the Getreidegass (now the Mozart museum) in Salzburg. Mozart's father, Leopold had a job as a court composer and an assistant conductor to the orchestra. Also, Leopold played the violin and he published a textbook about learning the violin.

Young Wolfgang was a good child. He had a happy disposition and a love of fun. He did not lose his temper easily. His sister,Nannerl was a small,quiet girl.

Wolfgang and Nannerl did not attend school. Leopold taught them at home, focusing the studies on music.Leopold started teaching Nannerl the clavier when she was seven.Wolfgang was too young to start playing, or so Leopold thought. After Nannerl's music lesson, Wolfgang would run to the clavier. He wanted to touch the keys. He would try to play what Nannerl was playing previously in the lesson. He made some mistake when playing the music. The next day I must correct them.' He always said to himself.

One night when Leopold came home work, he found his four - year - old son busy with music paper, pen and ink. He had got the ink all over himself. Leopold picked up the ink and looked at the paper. His eyes filled with tears. To his amazement, he realized that his own child had not only written a concerto, but one so difficult that no one could play it.

Leopold believed that his children was musical geniuses. He decided to show him off to the world. Their first tour was travelling to many major cities including- Munich, Frankfort, Brussels, Amsterdam, The Hague, Paris, and London. They were invited to play at some of the best houses. This tour had made Mozart famous and happy.

In January of 1768, when Mozart was 12, the Mozart family traveled to Vienna, where the new emperor, Joseph II suggested that Wolfgang should write an Italian opera. The result was La Finta Semplice. This was not performed at first because the other composers were angry that a 12 - year - old child could write an opera better than them. They told the orchestra that no child could write music worth performing. Mozart was so disappointed. he packed up 558 pages of script and returned home. The Archbishop ( churchman ) of Salzburg kindly arranged a performance of the young Wolfgang's opera. It was a great success.

Mozart and his father left in the winter of 1769 for Italy, the heart of European music. His first public concert was a success. When he went to Milan, he was employed to write an opera. Mozart also visited Florence, Rome, Naples, Bolona, and Venice.

When Mozart became an adult it was much harder for him to find a job, even though he was an extremely talented composer and piano player. He took small trips to Milan and Munich to write operas. He knew he could never make a living in Salzburg. Wolfgang completed symphony number 25 in G minor. This was his first minor key symphony besides the overture to La Betulia Liberata. This symphony sounds different from others. The repeated notes in the beginning of the piece represent something new. When the bass instruments take up the melodic phrases it adds intensity. Even though the E flat Andante is very soft in texture. There were many minor key symphonies before that, especially by Haydn and Bach. Leopold made a decision that he and Wolfgang had to go on another world tour. The Bishop would not allow Leopold to leave for so long, so Wolfgang's mother went with him instead. Anna Maria and Wolfgang started the tour on September 23, 1777.

This tour was the first time that Wolfgang had been away from his father. He stayed in Munich for 17 days. He had offered his services to the elector, but he refused. At Augsburg, Worlfang visited a piano maker. He played for monks at the Heiligkreuz Canonry. Also, he attended an academy and he gave a concert where he played his recent works. He spent some time with relatives. After that, he left for Mannheim. He taught people piano. He also wrote flute quartets and concertos for a Dutchman. He stayed there for three months.

One time, Wolfgang was arranging to have some music copied for a performance.He went to see Fridolin Weber.He was a singer at the court opera. He was a poor man.His children were often hungry.One of his daughters,Aloysia, was already a singer at the opera. She had a beautiful voice- clear and fine. She was not trained, but she had a wonderful sense of music. Fridolin introduced Mozart to his four daughters: Josefa, Constance, Aloysia and Sophie. When Mozart first set eyes on Aloysia, he was definitely in love, even though she was only 15 years old. After that, he tried to write opera that would make her famous.

Anna Maria, Wolfgang's mother, fell ill. She grew worse, until July 3, 1778 she passed away.In Munich,Wolfgang found out that Aloysia had become very famous and she no longer wanted to know him.

Those trips had caused the family into debt. Wolfgang had no choice but to accept a position under the Archbishop. He became depressed, but uplifted when he was asked to write an opera for the Munich carnival. In November 1780, he too a leave of absence and began to work on Idomendo. It turned out to be another instant success.

Wolfgang always absented. He was kicked out of his job. Wolfgang decided to move in with the Weber family, who were now living in Vienna. By this time, Mr.Weber had passed on.Aloysia Weber had married a court actor named Joseph Lange.Mozart was treated well: like a lord.Leopold wanted him to live somewhere else.It was too late to move because he already was in love with Constance Weber (Aloysia's sister)He was much happier now.He gave concerts packed full of people. His new works were very success. Also, in 1781, he had a very successful opera: The Abduction from the Seraglio. It was a very revolutionary opera because it was to be sung in German instead of Italian.This opera required main characters to act as well as sing, so it would be more like a drama.

Wolfgang and Constances's relationship was growing deeper and deeper.They decided to get married in August 1782. Their marriage was very joyful. Constance was loving and affectionate. Soon, she became pregnant. However, the child died soon after it was born. They were to eventually have six children-------four of them would die in infancy.

In 1784, Constance had another son - Karl Thomas. He grew up to be a government official. In January of 1785, Leopold came to visit his son ( Wolfgang ). While he was in Vienna, he went to see Wolfgang perform in concert. Leopold was greatly impressed. Leopold didn't enjoy the lifestyle that Wolfgang was living. He didn't appreciate his disorganized ways.

Wolfgang was on to a new musical project. It was a comic opera called The Marriage of Figaro. It was based on the play by the French writer Beaumarchais. Lorenzo da Pone was his collaborator.The opera was about the misunderstandings and confusions about preparations for a wedding. He did not earn a lot of money from it. He had another commission for an opera- Don Giovanni. Don Giovanni was based on a story called The Playboy of Seville and the Stone Guest by the Spanish author Triso de Molina.The character,Don Giovanni was an evil nobleman who takes advantage of everyone he met. He was punished when the man he killed came back to life and dragged him down to hell.

Wolfgang and da Ponte had worked at top speed on this opera. Wolfgang had to put his work aside because Constance was ill. His father also became ill, and eventually died.

In June 1788, the Mozart's moved out of the city. About 10 days after they moved, their newborn daughter, Theresa died. Wolfgang had trouble in paying bills. He wanted to write another opera --- The Magic Flute. The Magic Flute takes place in ancient Egypt. It is about the Queen of the Night's daughter that was imprisoned in the palace of Sarastro, Priest of the son. Sarastro at first seems to be the villain. By the end, clearly the Queen of the Night is the evil one. In Der vogelfanger bin ich ja,the main themes are stated right from the beginning by violin I.This melody is set in the Andante, which means moderately slow.

In July 1791, Constance gave birth to another son --- Franz Xavier Wolfgang. He grew up to be a composer just like his father. One day, a stranger in grey visited Mozart with an anonymous letter (letter without name) asking him to write a requiem mass. The person who actually wrote the letter was a nobleman-Count Walsegg. He wanted it for the mourning of his wife. Mozart saw the letter as an invitation from destiny. He knew he was going to die soon, and he was right. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died in poverty on December 5, 1791.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a brilliant musician. In all, he composed: 16 operas, 15 masses, 49 symphonies, five violin concertos, 21 piano concertos, 8t concertos for wind instruments, 26 string quartets, 42 violin sonatas and 17 piano sonatas.Mozart has influenced many lives. The spirit of Mozart's music will live for all eternity.