my papa

                    My papa, is a cop. He's not really brave or whatever you people see from the TV. He acts like a King at home, it's really disgusting!

                   What he like to do I think mostly is running and taking photos. He always like to join some running competition although every time he can' win. It is a good thing for us to learn. ^^ That's I think.

                  He'll be kind to you people, but not his children... How poor am I~ Don't think that he's always making fun, but actually he's really a horrible man. Sometime he could be kind to you, after a min, his temper will change 180 or 360!!!

                  He always done the wrong thing at the wrong time. Maybe he's not smart enough, but in his life till now, he had done one thing very clever!! That thing is >>>>>>> He marry with my mama. Don't you think it is a clever thing to do so? haha^^ I think yes from my point of view.