my profile!

Name : Lee Corvi

Nickname: LaCoffee , sleepy pig , big head peko

Date of Birth: 5th April (Sun: Aries)

Birth stone : diamond

Philosophy: courage, confidence, love, simple, creactivity

Interest : Films , drama, Dance (ballet/ jazz/Chinese),

music (classic /blues / most 50's) , reading

+ enjoying lives

Icq: 78182565
Related district : Southern district , Wanchai , Happy Valley

Education Background:

St. Francis' Canossian School

St. Francis' Canossian College

Cognitio College (HK)

City University

Favourite food : desert ( excluding jelly)

Favourite Drinks : chicken essence , V8 and all kind of soups

Favourite stars : Leslie Cheung, Steven Chow, Richard Gere

Favourite writers : Robert T.Kiyosaki, Sharon L.Lechter,Anne Frank

李白, 莊子,蘇軾,張小嫻,深雪,何紫   


Characters of Sun in Aries + .....

Powers - position: 59.50 total: 78.89
Sun Astrological The Sun is considered male, warm and dry. It symbolizes the
ego, the core of life, vitality (especially the heart), the concept of
self-confidence as well as charismatic powers. Those whose Sun is harmoniously
placed will be well received and does not need to make much with words. Their
appearance speaks for them. Something else is emitted, when a sunny person
enters a room. The Sun also represents our basic vitality, with the potential
of physical malfunction, which is inherited in every person. The relationship
between father and son or daughter, can be depicted by the relative placement
of the Sun. The summit of life is symbolized by the Sun and the success with
which one aims to achieve. The Sun finds it's related power in the zodiacal
sign Leo, the lion. SUN The heart and center of it all. The father, guru,
teacher or figure of authority. Anyone older or living in an experience more
disciplined than our own. That which we look up to and receive light from. That
which we may become. Esoteric Interpretation: From the Sun comes light, that
which draws us into life. The Sun represents all the changes we have not yet
taken, that part of us that we have not yet experienced but are headed toward.
The Sun represents our identity, or self, in that it is toward these that we
are moving and developing. Thus, it also represents that which we will become:
older people, authorities -- those we look toward, or up to. Our essence, or
future. Teachers, gurus, and older (more experienced) people are represented by
the Sun. The Sun is "hot stuff," those further up the road of life experience.



MOON Trine VENUS You have a natural appreciation for the past, personal as well
as world history -- all that is traditional. You find it easy to work with
music, color, fabric, and the arts -- whatever is beautiful and genial. You
would make a superb decorator of homes and, in general, all kinds of
environments. You enjoy moods and emotions (whatever is psychological),
especially in a group setting. Younger people, the helpless, and the needy can
always be found under your umbrella.


MARS Trine NEPTUNE You have an ability to work with the imagination, reaching
beyond the mundane to the potential beyond. Your enthusiasm for mystical and
religious experience makes you an excellent teacher in artistic and creative
matters. Your sense of the unity behind things spiritual and psychological is
clear and felt by those around you. You are, no doubt, a romantic, at home in
the world of dreams and images. You enjoy working in these areas.



JUPITER in SAGITTARIUS Always on the go, you are a skilled diplomat,
negotiator, or representative. Honest, frank, and to the point, you hate
routines and love the outdoors, travel, and sports. An eternal optimist, you
are open, friendly, and lucky too. Always the philosopher, you are not much
taken with emotions. Independent. ===jup_sag Jupiter in Sagittarius This
suggests a high level of optimism--once you feel free from most constraints!
For you, success is possible by trying something new all the time and by
applying oneself. Much of how this planet expresses itself in any sign is
dependent on aspects to the inner planets and the house position it finds
itself located. Jupiter finds itself at home in the sign of Sagittarius because
it is the sign to which it is assigned. Accordingly, there is an emphasis
towards a greater freedom and a study of philosophy, religion and educational
matters. You enjoy traveling and are fascinated by strange cultures. If you can
manage it, it would be good for you to get out and experience some of the great
wide world. With Jupiter well placed, you may have a strong interest in
environmental concerns. This usually extends to the whole of our planet and how
mankind can work with mother nature. If Jupiter is not well aspected, there may
be a tendency towards excess and exaggeration. In such cases, try to work with
your conscious mind to understand the larger picture of such things as cause
and effect.



--William Shakespeare

To-morrow, and To-morrow, and To-morrow
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing -