More Beauty! More Fit! Let's all fill out this form!

All you have to do is fill out this form and you'll received the newest skin care and
keep fit information via email.

1. Do you think skin care is important?
very important important normal least important
2. How much time do you spend on skin care?
never 2 - 5 min. 10 - 20 min. over 30 min.
3. Do you fully understand about your skin?
Fully understand partially understand don't understand
4. Do you have any skin problem(s)?
oily dry blackhead wrinkle freckle
sensitive baggy eye acne other
5. Do you have an interest in skin care techniques?
interested no interest
6. Are you satisfied with your figure?
satisfied not satisfy ------------> which part you're not satisfy
7. If there is a diet plan that does not involved exercise and decrease of food intake, will you...
would you like more information would you like free trial not interest
8. We're looking people that have interested in skin care, will you...
would like to try have interest want to know more about the company not interest
9. We're looking people that are interested in part-time internet based work, will you...
would like to try have interest want to know more about the company not interest
10. Personal Information (* must be filled out)
* Name : male female
* Career : Student employed housewife other
* Age :
* Telephone :
* What's the best time to contact you : daytime evening whole day
* E-mail :

Please forward to all your friends that love to be beautiful, thank