Mini fund-raising bazaar


As part of a project, our Form 2 students were asked to run a school business.  It was a great task that enabled

students to learn English, form a successful business, and raise money for some charitable organizations. Our 

students chose to give money to UNICEF  and Afghanistan's children of war.  Now, let's take a look at what 

that day looked like in pictures.   



Hey! It's Mr. Chung ,our vice principal with some Form 2 students .

Isn't it great that everyone was there to pitch in and make the day 

a real team effort? All right !  


I wonder what kinds of things were sold at the bazaar ?I'm sure the 

students sold many type of game ,toys and stationery . What do you



Mr. Kwok ,the principal ,was also there to lend a helping hand .DO you 

think he found any bargains while he was there ?I  hope he found some

 real gems .


It looks like everyone had a really good time . Don't  you wish you 

were there well , maybe next year.  


It's great that both teachers and students were involved in making this

day a hugs success , Way to go, team ? 


Can you see the happy, determined looks on everyone's faces? I

wonder how much money we raised for the charities?


The day was a phenomenal success!  The Form 2 students raised over $1,000 and learned to work together.  Let's hope that next year's Form 2 students will be just as eager and excited to help those in need.  Keep up the great work, CPC!!!