Peak interview


On May 10, 2002, the form 1 students had the chance to go to the Peak and interview foreigners.  Although many of the students were nervous at first, they enjoyed the experience very much.  As a matter of fact, the students wished that they could have stayed longer to talk to many more people.  Well, there's always next year!



Once we started talking to the foreigners, it was a lot of fun.  

They were very nice and friendly. We can't wait to speak to 

more native English-speakers!


The practical element of talking to real foreigners gave 

us the chance to use our English speaking skills. It was 

challenging, but it was also very rewarding.  We hope 

we'll have more opportunities to practice our English in 

the future.


The foreigners were very helpful.  When we weren't quite 

sure of something, they were more than happy to give us 

guidance.  Wow!


As you can see from the smiles on our faces, we had a 

great time.  Who knew that the Peak would be a 

fantastic place to meet new people?


Not only were the people we met nice enough to answer

our questions, they also took the time to pose for

photographs.  Isn't she pretty?  We think so.


We  bet he didn't expect to meet Form 1 students while

he was at the Peak.  We hope he had as much fun as we

did.  From the look on his face, he was as happy as a
