A Matter Of Trust  

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and

lean not on your own understanding.

----Proverb 3:5(NIV)


A family were on their way home from a family retreat week. The father and the mother would like to surprise their teenage sons by taking them parasailing at the beach before heading home.

During the drive to the beach, the boys whined and complained: " What are we doing?" "Where are we going?" "How long will it take us to get there?" "Why don't we just go home?"

Finally they arrived at the beach, much to their surprise and delight. The father asked his sons, "Why couldn't you just trust that we were planning something good?"

As the father and the mother stood on the beach, the mother thought, "Isn't that just what we do with God many times? Always asking "Lord, where are you taking us? How much longer will you make us wait? Why won't you tell us where we are going?"

We often whine and complain instead of trusting completely in our loving and caring heavenly Father, who is always faithful and wants to give us everything that is good.

  God's plans for us are always good!  
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