Supermarket-1 超級市場


場景: 約翰在超商購物但找不到他所要買的東西,於是請求店員幫忙。
clerk: Can I help you,  sir?
店員: 幫忙 嗎,先生?
John: I'm looking for the sugar.
我正是 找
clerk: Sugar? It's in the food section, on aisle B.
  糖?在 食品 部B 走道 (通道)。
John: Oh, I see. Thanks very much.
哦,我知道了。非常 感謝
John: One more thing,
John: could you tell me where the household supplies are?
妳能告訴我 家庭用品部 在什麼地方嗎?
clerk: You bet. Go down this aisle and turn left.
John: Thanks. You've been very helpful.