Campus Ministry in Australia


There are serveral big ministries on campus in Australia right now actually.

1. Student life --- Student Life is the university ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ Australia. Student life is having so many ministries for the Uni student in different campus in different states in Australia, like, for my campus, there are several fellowship running. 

Click on:, to search its locations, and ministries. Different locations have different contact person. So, please click on the site to find out which state and which Uni are you looking for.

2. Overseas Christian Fellowship, Australia --OCF Australia is currently made up of 24 local centres Australia-wide. Click on:, to search its locations, and ministries. . So, please click on the site to find out which state and which Uni are you looking for.

3. Christian Campus Movement (CCM)-- This one is mainly for International Students in Australia. I am Currently joining this one. They got Singaporean, Malaysian, HongKongers (but not much),... And Actually, this movement is supported by a big church (The Hope Church). The Hope Church is widely located in so many Asian countries, Australia and NZ right now. There are no any main site for all the CCM member-campus. 

Therefore, you can search for CCM in and you will find so many CCM(s) with different Uni.

4. Student Campus Movement in Brisbane:  There are SCM groups at a number of university campuses in Brisbane. If you would like to find out more about SCM on any campus.

Click ON:

I hope the information could help you. So, click on them, find out the contact way, like phone no., e-mail address for different minitries of different campus, depends which states are u goin' to! Wish you have a wonderful life in Australia, Mate! Cheers!
