The Fate Report (算命報告服務)
According to I-Ching, the ancient Chinese scripture which describes things happening in this world, the fate of a person can be predicted by doing calculation on the timing of his or her birth, which includes the hour, day, month, and year when he or she was born. Whether a person can get rich, can have good health, can have a good career path, can have a good marriage, can have a good relationship with other family members, can have how many sons and daughters, etc, all can be predicted.  In my own experience, these predictions will be accurate to 70% for one’s life experience. More accurate predictions can be done by taking into consideration of other variables, such as how many brothers and sisters he or she has, how many sons and daughters he or she has, what his or her occupation is, etc. The Independent Researcher has very expensive software which can do all these calculations and at the same time can generate a report to his clients. The reports are written in Traditional Chinese characters and can be transmitted through the internet to the client’s email inbox. The cost of the fate report, which is more than 10 pages in length, is US$25. For details, please contact Dormuk by email: for a sample fate report.
根據易經, 個人命運可用其八字算出, 如富貴榮華, 健康, 職業, 成就, 婚姻好壞, 兒女多少, 與父母的關係等, 都可以一目了然. 以在下個人經驗, 其準確程度達七成. 在下可向閣下提供超過十頁之詳細報告, 收取費用為25美元. 詳情請用電郵: Dormuk聯絡, 並索取樣本算命報告.

I am an Independent Researcher with the following qualifications: B.S., the University of the State of New York; PG Dip., the University of Buckingham; PGCE, the University of Strathclyde; Fellowship by thesis, the College of Preceptors; Master of Philosophy, the University of Hong Kong, Doctor of Philosophy, the International University of Fundamental Studies; Registered Teacher in Hong Kong; and Qualified Teacher Status in the U.K. My career history indicates that I have 13 years of experience in teaching secondary biology and chemistry, and another 13 years of experience in serving as an academic researcher in three Hong Kong universities. For the past three years, I have been engaging in marketing research and served as an internet marketer on a freelance basis.

在下是英國及香港註冊教師, 任教中學生物及化學科目課程達十三年之久, 之後在香港三間大學從事學術研究工作亦達十三年. 持有美國紐約州立大學理學士學位, 英國白金漢大學魚類生物學深造文憑, 英國史卓佳大學教育證書, 英國教師公會考獲高級院士銜頭, 香港大學建築學院哲學碩士(安全督導), 及俄羅斯國際基楚大學建築學院哲學博士(安全教育)銜頭. 現在本人為繼續貢獻社會, 向公眾提供上述服務.