Wan Hin Music Zone


雲軒是在一九九零年,為了參加嘉士伯流行音樂節而成立的。早期名為雲軒客戔,後簡化為雲軒。當時成員都是一班在理工學院對音樂有興趣但半桶水和來自不同系的同學,而他們是在音樂社的音樂室認識的。轉眼間已過了超過十個年頭了,有人退出亦有人加入(正所謂,Beatles In My Life 中歌詞所說,Some have gone and some remain),各成員亦須為三餐溫飽而勞碌奔波,但難得的是,十二年之後我們還在一起,並沒有放棄大家當初對音樂的承諾,亦終於開始擁有了自己的Band 房。


Peter Fong - our band leader since 1990. Used to be a guitar player, now changed to do the bass player.雲軒主要創作泉源,初中己開始迷上結他。
葆光 - our vocal, brass player and of course our legal advisor in the band. Joined wanhin in 1997.牛津法律系畢業,夢想是成為法官,嗜好是食潤腸。家住飛鵝山
Arthur - our guitarist in the band. Joined wanhin since 1990. The only single man in the band now.虔誠基督徒,又名區偉倫B,曾是死硬派Heavy Metal擁護者
Andy - our drummer in the band. Joined wanhin since 1990. Now is a father of his daughter Audrey.理工鼓王,鼓技超凡,歡迎比較。理工農務系畢業
Kit - our keyboard player in the band.  Joined wanhin since 1990.雲軒另一創作成員
Steve - our former bass player, was a wanhin member from 96 to 00.亦是中樂高手
世康 - our former bass player, was a wanhin member from 90 to 96. He was also the vocal in 92 Calsberg.已成為著名電視台編劇
Fred - our former bass player, was a wanhin member from 91 to 93.已貴為上市公司老細
Samuel - forever wanhin supporter of wanhin and that's why he is included in the list.熱愛行山,己踏遍港九新界,將遠征喜馬拉雅山。首本名曲Circus
Vickie - vocal in 1997 calsberg.曾客串九七年嘉士伯主音。高球高手,曾有一干入洞紀錄。
Simon - our former guitarist, was a wanhin member from 90 to 93. 已貴為高級公務員







1996:他,Let’s Fall In Love


1998:尋找,It’s Over

Starting from May 2002, we have set up our own bandroom in Lai Chi Kok. The place is quite comfortable and is just like our second home.

Below are some of the pictures recently took at the room. You are welcome to come and jam with us.

Now we have five members : Peter Yuen (Vocal & brass), Andy (drum), Peter Fong (Bass), Arthur (Lead guitar) and Kit (Keyboard)

More photos (click here.....)

Video Clip (mp4 file)

Energy Flow by wanhin

Jamming for new song on 12/8/02

Peter/Andy/Fred/Arthur jamming

Andy's drum performance

Arthur's guitar solo

Fred's bass solo

Arthur guitar solo (23/8)

PK sax solo (23/8)

PK conversation (23/8)

I love you (version 1 by PK)

I love you (version 2 by PK)

I love you (version 3 by PK)

MP3 files

1. Love don't make no sense no more (by Wan Hin)

2. Looking through your eyes (by Wan Hin)

3.Practice of 31.1.2003


1. Thomas Chan's homepage (more information about wanhin)

2. http://www.musicrobot.com/ (a good midi search site)

3. http://sound.jp/gachopin/en/ (a good Japanese midi site)

Band scores

1. 胡思亂想

2. Just the two of us



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