Book 2 Unit 1 - The Renaissance (Part 2)

1    Which two masterpieces did Leonardo da Vinci paint?

He painted 'The Last Supper' and 'The Mona Lisa'.
2    For how long was Michelangelo apprenticed to Ghirlandajo? Why?

He was apprenticed to Ghirlandajo for three years because he had nothing to learn from  his teacher after one year. 
3    Name 4 famous works done by Michelangelo.

'Pieta', 'The Creation of Adam', 'Moses' and 'David' are 4 famous works done by Michelangelo.
4    What masterpiece did Raphael make in 1509?

'The School of Athens' was made by Raphael in 1509
5    What scientific discovery did Copernicus make in 1543?

He found that the sun  was the centre of the universe. The earth  moved round the sun.
6    What were some of the scientific achievements of Galileo?

(1)showed that things of  the same shape and size but with different weights fell to the ground  at the same speed.

(2)discovered the pendulum theory

(3)made the world's first telescope to study the sun 's movement in 1609

(4)supported the idea of Copernicus about the universe by studying the sun's movement with this telescope. 
7    How did Renaissance doctors find out the real cause of illness?

  They learnt about blood circulation and the inside of the human body from cutting up dead bodies. This helped them find out the real cause of illness.
8    How is Renaissance literature different from medieval literature?

Firstly, the medieval literature was mainly about religion and the Renaissance literature was mainly about human affairs.
Secondly, medival writers wrote in the Latin language, even if they were not Italian. Renaissance writers wrote in their own native language.   
9    Name one of Shakespeare's most famous plays.

'The Merchant of Venice' is his most famous plays.
10  How did the Renaissance influence modern art and architecture?

  Artists of modern times learned many ideas from Renaissance artists. Many buildings in Europe, America, Asia and Hong Kong copied the design from ancient Greco-Roman architects. These buildings have a large dome and tall columns.
11  How did Renaissance ideas lead to the Reformation?

  In Renaissance times, people began to question Church teachings. They did not believe in what the Church told them. This led to a religious movement called the Reformation in Europe.
12  How did Renaissance thinking lead to the Enlightenment?

   From the Renaissance, Europeans found many wrong things in past beliefs. This changed their thinking. Europeans began to use reason to solve problems. This led to the Enlightenment.