




Today is





Becky Taylor Lyrics

Song of Dreams

If you're felling lost in the darkness
And you don't know what to do
Everywhere you go there is magic
Look around and let it through.
You will find your way, you will find it
Take your wings and learn to fly
Set alight to your dream
Burn it bright for your dream
And you'll find that one day...
You can touch the sun
You can touch the sky, oh
You can touch the moon
You can touch the stars, oh
Listen to a bird in the sunshine
See a footprint in the snow
Follow it and start on your journey
And no matter where you go
You will find your way, you will find it
Take your wings and start to fly
Hold on tight to your dream
Don't lose sight of your dream
And you'll know that someday
You can touch the sun
You can touch the sky, oh
You can touch the moon
You can touch the stars, oh
Once you're on a path never leave it
Even if you fell unsure
Close your eyes, be brave and believe it,
Let your spirit start to soar.
I can touch the moon, I can touch the stars, oh
You will find your way, you will find it
Take your wings now you can fly
And your dream will never die.

Back into Love
I've been living with a shadow overhead, 
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed, 
I've been lonely for so long, 
Trapped in the past, 
I just can't seem to move on! 

I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away, 
Just in case I ever need them again someday, 
I've been setting aside time, 
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind! 

All I want to do is find a way back into love. 
I can't make it through without a way back into love.

I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine, 
I've been searching but i just don't see the signs, 
I know that it's out there,
There's got to be something for my soul somewhere! 

I've been looking for someone to shed some light, 
Not somebody just to get me through the night, 
I could use some direction, 
And I'm open to your suggestions. 

All I want to do is find a way back into love. 
I can't make it through without a way back into love. 
And if I open my heart again, 
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end! 
Oooooooh, Ooooooh, Ooooooh.

There are moments when I don't know if it's real 
Or if anybody feels the way I feel 
I need inspiration 
Not just another negotiation 

All I want to do is find a way back into love, 
I can't make it through without a way back into love, 
And if I open my heart to you, 
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do, 
And if you help me to start again, 
You know that I'll be there for you in the end!
Oooooooh. Oooooooh. Ooooooooh. Oooooooh. Ooooooh Ooooooooh. Ooooooooh.

我不快樂 梁靜茹
作詞:潘協慶/李焯雄 作曲:潘協慶 編曲:Mac Chew

整個世界都在變 你是不是也變了
如果一切重新來過 還會不會再犯錯
你有多久沒有好好的看我 問問我想要什麼
我要的其實不多 但最近我很不快樂

如果能習慣沈默 我或許就不難過
如果不是真的愛過 我又何必太執著
為何你從不懂我想些什麼 你只是太愛閃躲
我要的其實不多 但最近我總覺得

不快樂 我很不快樂 有一種想哭的念頭
卻又說不出那是什麼 我就是覺得

不快樂 我很不快樂 寂寞好像有填不完的缺口
你說你愛我 卻只是很少過問我的感受

如果能習慣沈默 我或許就不難過
如果不想再挽回什麼 我要何必太執著
為何你從不懂我想些什麼 你只是太愛閃躲
我心裡有個角落 你從不曾在意過

不快樂 我很不快樂 有一種想哭的念頭
卻又說不出那是什麼 我就是覺得

不快樂 我很不快樂 為什麼愛情會這樣的寂寞
你總說愛我 可是又從不走進我的生活

整個世界都在變 我是不是也變了

Date: 23/12/07

Title: 很渺小的一部份...

Current Reading: 親愛的安德烈

一個十八, 九歲的少年和他母親三年多的書信對話...

感悟到很多東西... to be honest... 作為23歲的我... 在思想上, 不及一個十八, 九歲的清淅, 遠大...

我感覺到自己真的很年老了... 最主要... 整個人也很迷茫, 好似被束縛住... 不懂呼吸了.... 飛不起來了!

我好想去旅行啊... 我要看看這個世界...

近日心情... ... 工作上, 好似可以預測到有甚麼不好或意外會發生... 但對於預防它真的發生及發生後,需要的即時行動,

我真是無能為力了.... 即使預測到了, 但解決不了...

為免再心煩... 我一離開公司, 便完完全全, 不去想所有的公事... 

一點也不叻... 只是一個烏鴉嘴... 又是鴕鳥...

我也真的無辦法... 說到底... 我根本只是一個入了行 1 1/2年的AM, 我現在處理的大部分o, 都是第一次自己第一次遇到的...

我根本又不叻, 沒甚要幹一番大事的雄心... 同時Take care AM M的工作... 好吃力啊...

書中說, "現在面對的... 若把人生的鏡頭拉長來看..." 我只有這樣安慰著自己...

今日工作上的痛苦, 只是整個生涯的必修課... 或許是早來了... 但眨眼pass 了之後... 好渺小啊....


Current Boiling (watching):

d out ar... 依家先睇...

d 韓國人... 好鍾意假結婚... 然後又會愛上對方... 同長輩的關係好怪...

宮同浪漫滿屋的故事情節, 幾乎一樣... 只是宮多加了宮庭, 君主制金碧輝煌的包裝...

d 韓國傳統衫好令 ar... colourful... 只係睇衫都抵 la... but 個男主角真係差少少...

之前都唔鍾意韓國人... 因為係文化, 歷史同國土上, o地都有做出侵畋中國的行為...

歷史同國土上, 那是不能接受的... 

文化上...現在的中國人, 都沒幾個認識孔子, 讀論語的... 但韓國人仍然尊重和珍惜...

文化, 已經""開去了... 

套劇仍未看完, 已經不再討厭韓國了...仲好想去韓國 o...


好鍾意首爾, 東京同台北... 三個都是大城市... 人們在大城市, 飽受生活的壓力... 

但是, 他們可以逃回屬於自己的鄉土, 去避一下難

同是大城市的香港... 香港人飽受了生活壓力... 卻沒有鄉土可以給我們避難, 休息充電....

四維都是那麼壓迫的... 大陸又好像不屬於我們的, 想不到, 連我住的城市也這麼孤獨啊...


我嚴重的中毒了... 被工作和電視劇牽著走...

我好想去旅行啊... 我要看看這個世界...


Date: 12/12/07...

Title: 最辛苦...

一路催眠自己... salesman sample 只寄埋next week... then, 可以自由la... 可以輕輕鬆鬆la...

但原來只係海市蜃樓... 假像ogar...

一大早check e-mail, 我想即刻辭職, 我今天唔想返工la... 我已經唔想再面對呢一d o...

大家都話, garment 呢行係咁... 我都想知, o地係睇化的呢???

大的唔係到... 所有鑊, 一隻一隻都係我接... 我真係唔掂la... 我係一個am only...

我接唔到咁多o, 亦都無經驗同唔可以及時比一個決定出o...

姐姐仔係Canada 好似好得閒... 不斷咁挑剔我o...

我知係可以教到我好多o... 但我真係無精神接招ar.... 極度沮喪...



但偏偏, 她這兩天甚麼也要管, 問長問短的,

BUT... 全都是已經解決了的事情, 為了一些已經HANDLE O世的問題, 問三問四, 睇完個E-MAIL 都唔知我O地講o

你無料, 但唔好防礙別人前進...

唔想同佢講oar... 唔係佢的錯, absolutely 係公司的錯... 


Date: 6/12/07

Title: 好重怨氣ar...

身心疲倦... 我諗我會老得好快...

今日係寄d presentation sample MTL deadline... MM (原來佢個post 唔係 SM... 失覺O...) 竟然請事假...

D 價又報唔到... , 又係佢間fty 交唔出... 真係今日會出現就奇la...

but... 我明天都唔想見到你... 

個客那邊好多complaint.... 個客 d QC 又痴線... 

間廠又無賴... FOB HK d 順豐竟然要我o地比錢... 都唔識做生意... 有單會唔會比你ar???

今日講o左好多次... 那怎麼辦??? 其實係串緊d fty... 但我諗d 大陸 lei... 一定以為我好弱...問返佢點做...

我以後一定不再講這一句說話... 要再串d... 那你想怎麼辦??? 你可以怎麼做...

好灰ar... 唔知其他人係點保持住佢o地做p野的熱誠 gar lei???

我已經灰到下巴貼心口... 食飽飯就想走...


我諗呢兩個月... 我一定老得好快...


Date: 30/11/07

Title: 陳皮寶寶...

需然大家每日都十點幾先返到公司... 但大家係食飯前都係好死下死下的....

但今天,大家一入公司門口, 都是笑笑的... 燦爛的... 甜甜的....

hehehehhe... 因為陳皮 bb 今日出世la... 

好似好快咁... Easter 之前, 大家都話 red 姐結 o左婚10... 姑都無一粒...

佢話有d唔舒服... o地就好一致咁話.... o左ar... 有oar...hahah... red 姐為咁表示唔係, 就做o左好多高難度動作出o黎... heheh...

但到了 Easter holiday 的最後一天, 大家食 buffet 的時候.. Red 姐已經話可能有o... then 第二日返工時已經confirm o...

幾天內的起伏已經這麼大.... dramatic ar...

之後的幾個月... 陳皮一直控制住我們的 lunch, o地咩都聽o世佢話....

好快好快... 出世la... BB... 我係陳皮中姨 ar....磅的大肥仔... 要健健康康的成長 ar... 

送給陳皮bb 的禮物....hahha... 係我choose gar... 人人都讚令.... hhehhehe


form 6 到依家, 都好鐘意的歌... 係香港已經買唔到隻碟la... 好彩 you tube .... 


Date: 25/11/07

Title: You will never walk alone...

got a new hair cut... and make the hair very straight... no comments... 

super love this song... it is the song for Liverpool.... the soccer team.... 

you'll never walk alone

When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark
At the end of the storm

Is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark

Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Tho' your dreams be tossed and blown
Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone

love Charlotte Church's version...

Date: 21/11/07

Title: I am Small Potato...

yesterday and today... both have serious problems on the production... 

The SM ignored.... she saw and heard nothing... unless I stand next to her to wake her up... seems... it's not her business...

the customer also ignored my E-mail... 

yup... I am just a small potato... that no one see me there....

got some problem on dialing... when I called the QC in Zhejiang, I dialed the one in Zongshen... then another one in Shenzhen...

finally... need dial 4 times to reach the one I want to call....

same things happened again today... 

seems that I got serious problem between by eyes, fingers and the brain...

Miss Red just left 3 days... what will I be tomorrow??? Who cares???


Date: 19/11/07

Title: 白癡...

因為太hungry, 所以將d工作帶返屋企做...

現在, 做完了, 又覺得自己好蠢... 因為呢d 根本就係個SM 的工作...


佢好厚面皮咁 pass 比我做... then 我又好白癡咁做...

and then... 佢又 in the name of her 咁出份o...


Date: 18/11/07

Title: Amazing Grace...

看了" Amazing Grace"... 一個解放黑奴的故事...

人人只會記得, 解放黑奴的是美國的林肯, 但其實比佢更早的... 是英國的 William Wilberforce...

William Pitt)的影響,韋柏霍斯年僅21歲便成為了下議院議員,二人更一起打拼,成為廢奴的先驅。 
John Newton)啟發,決定利用自己的政治力量來維持公義,與那些思想守舊頑固的英國議員抗衡,結果不但改變了自己的國家,更帶動了全球的反黑奴運動,影響極其深遠。

John Newton 便是寫 Amazing Grace 的人...他本來的一個船長, 專門運黑奴作販賣... 運送的過程中, 2萬黑奴死亡... 之後他放棄了生意, 成了傳教士... 並寫成了千古流傳的Amazing Grace ...

幾好睇, 係人類歷史的其中一章... 唔可以唔知道曾經發生過...

唔知d黑人, 係咪都已經寬恕od 凌虐過佢o地祖先, 但又已經悔改了的西方人呢???

英國廢除黑奴買賣200週年, 南京大屠殺70週年, 懺悔與寬恕, 是否指日可待???


Date: 17/11/07

Title: 台慶...

TVB 台慶... 唯一想睇的是頒獎禮... 想睇肥姐...

但係我一見到佢就喊... 見到病... 可以令一個人唔同o...變得咁多...

係我的成長過程中, 肥肥同欣宜比o左個好 ideal 的親子圖比我...

可能係因為佢o, 我有諗過個獨生女係好好...好幸福... but 當然... 代入自己ar 媽後就完全推翻 la...

睇住佢唔靠男人, 帶大個女, 仍然笑得開心, 燦爛...

最重要係感染o左咁多人... 好難得...

這麼多人為她哭, 這麼多人祝福她... 希望你可以同個女, 永遠幸福快樂生活下去...