(LUNA SEA l to r : Shinya, Sugizo, Ryuichi, Inoran, J)


9th November 2000 ~Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Wancahi 5:00pm~

I was on the bus going home from the airport...it had dawned on me. LUNA SEA were currently doing their HK Press Conference at the 'Convention and Exhibition Centre'. Joy had had the luck of winning a draw with the magazine "TOUCH" to go and see the conference...I was just wondering what they were gonna say. Actually I was scared about what they were gonna say...I was dreading it...


LUNA SEA had entered the conference room. A small stage had been set up, the Official advertisement poster for the BRAND NEW CHAOS "IN HONG KONG" was proudly hung behind the conference table. The table was set with a microphone for each member, their name printed in front of it. The five came in, the media instantly taking a photo opertunity. After some time the questions started...

Luna Sea Q&A session in HK Press Conference
Reported by reporter Airi
Translated by Cielo
{Trans subjected to minor errors due to different sentence structure of chinese and english language)

Q1. Please talk about Luna Sea's feelings on this live in Hong Kong
A1. This is the second time we are having a live in Hong Kong. the last time we were here, we were very touched by the warmth and passion HK fans showed us. Sugizo says : We can completely feel that people from all countries of asia can appreciate our music. People from all over asia gave us a feeling of home (being at home) and we're very happy to be back here.

Q2. What about the recent news on 'drawing the curtain' for Luna Sea?
A2. Although a lot of people treat 'draw the curtain' to mean disband, we feel that the word disband does not suit Luna Sea. This outcome is just the end of a show (end of last scene, draw the curtains) for Luna Sea.

Q3. What are Luna Sea's future plans for activities?
A3. Until we complete the shows at the end of the year, we do not wish to think about anything else. We just hope to give in our best till the very last moment. Till this very moment, we have held many press conferneces (Cielo's note : I believe there's some mistake in this. it should be concerts, but the chinese text says press conferences) and it all are the same. Every concert we hold is a challenge and we have to give in our best (to perform) for everyone who had always supported us.

Q4. What is the reason for choosing "LOVE SONG" as the final single to be released?
A4. This song was written by Sugizo during the production of the album "LUNACY" and it is a piece of work which expresses all our heart-felt feelings(emotions).

Q5. Shinya's baby was born a few days back. What are your thoughts on it?
A5. Shinya replied with smiles "I never knew a baby's body is so soft. I am still thinking of a name for her"

Q6. What kind of a band do you think Luna Sea is?
A6. All five of us are devoted to what we choose/want to do and will not be afected by external factors. Our members are the best who only think of what we want to do, give in our best and produce works we can look upon with pride. No matter it's during live concerts or during the production of cds, we have the great talents and energy music wise. This is the outcome of 12 years of hard work by all staff, fans and of course the 5 best talents that other bands do not have.

During the press conference, vocalist Ryuichi Kawamura lastly said :"To put it in simple terms, The decision today is because as we are in the process of producing an album, we discovered that we are unable to produce another album better then this. We are unable to meet the targets we set for ourselves, and hence we chose to draw the curtain. But maybe someday, we might secretly stage another live somewhere impromtu. Anyways, we can't tell what we will be doing in the future. We just hope that before we finally draw the curtain, everyone can see us at our best. Even if it's only a glimpse, we strive to leave everyone a beautiful memory."

Note : Special thanx to Cielo for letting me feature her translation on my site *HUGZ*

After the Lunacy...After the Lunacy...After the Lunacy...

It was surprising to see that the confernece was so short lived, in total about 10 minutes...But sevral photos were taken!!! If I have got any information about this conference incorrect, then pls feel free to contact me so I can correct it! Thanx ^_^


Well...after reading Cielo's translation I was very relieved to hear such a positive responce...I thought that u were gonna be talking bout the split for sure!! And...my dears, such lovely photos!! But hey, J!! U didn't change ur clothes from the airport, or have a shave!! And my dearest Sugizo...did u really have to do that all the time? -_-;;

When you've finished here visit my Sugizo website!

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