學聯異議網站 HKFS Dissenting Website: II.A Friends of HKFS/Hq
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II. 是----正路活動:

A. 學聯總部之友 Friends of HKFS/Hq :

A.1 學聯總部之友 Friends of HKFS/Hq (Groups)

NB My view of the present organisation and functioning of the HKFS/Hq and HKFS/SMRC is comparative, against the research finding of Wright 2001 (see Item on "鳴謝 Thank all copyright holders and References" at in_IV_Notices_AcknowledgeCopyright.htm. As a dissident of the HKFS, I have high regards of the HKFS and the folks therein, EXCEPT (mostly against the HKFS/SMRC) their unlawful exclusion, assault, unlawful prevention of my filming of their activites in public, smoking, foul language etc. (the latter components should more appropriately be listed under the other column - the Blue Column of Wrong).

NB Unlike the student movements in Mainland China and Taiwan, the HKFS has close links with non-students, and to some extent merged and be dominated by non-student (Cf. reference Wright 2001 p.21).

NB Despite the name of a student organisation, student participation in the HKFS (esp. the SMRC, and to a lesser extent the Hq) is very low. Yet it serves to nourish social movement groups by providing facilities. (NB These 3 para. are the same for Items A and B)

Every Thursday and Friday night, the premises of the HKFS/Hq are lent to the Right of Abode Committee and the Hong Kong Rainbow respectively (who are given keys). Its close association with the Right of Abode Committee since 1997 has enabled it to take the lead in coordinating the 1,200-people rally in 2000.6.26 (the Pepper-Spray Incident) and the 二 十 一 個 團 體 , 人 數 亦 達 一 千 七 百 人 rally of 2000.7.1 (see ad000627). It also let groups such as the "April 5 Action Group" to use the premises (e.g. the press conference by LIU Yuk-Ling - see ad021211). [The significance of the rallies by HKFS is that they use the concept of Civil Disobedience and do not apply for No-Objection-Letter under the Public Order Ordinance (see the difference in theory and practice between the HKFS/Hq and the HKFS/SMRC in Items II.A.1 and II.B.1. and C, D). Since Gloria Chang et al were arrested in 2000 (although not charged), rallies by the HKFS/Hq have gone under the hill (but we have seen the rise of the HKFS/SMRC under the lead of Maggie Lam - see Item B.1). This is the characteristics of student movements in HK, as well as in China -- quick ups and downs.]

Staff and core members of the HKFS/Hq and HKFS/SMRC had once argued that no one smoked inside the air-conditioned premises; and the smokers (e.g. the HKFS/SMRC Chair Maggie Lam) respected the non-smokers by smoking at the stair-case. (NB No such respect applies in the HKFS/SMRC, as all the smokers smoke in the air-conditioned premises. Not only the HKFS/SMRC Chair Maggie Lam does not stop the practice, she actually encourages smoking by joining in the smoking and sang foul-language songs to entertain them).

In the night of 021205, I personally asked the HKFS Rep. Council Chair Mr FUNG Ka-Keung, as head of the premises, to ask the head of the "April 5 Action Group" Mr LEUNG Kwok-Hung to stop smoking at the HKFS/Hq. Mr Fung said that there was no regulation against smoking - a bureaucratic reply that, if said by the government, would be subject to his criticism. Yet, I believe, if Mr FUNG had asked, Mr LEUNG would have stopped smoking, because Mr Leung would take his dose of nicotine before entering the Professional Teachers' Union and the MTR. Mr YEUNG Pang-Chin would also not smoking inside the Tsuen Wan office of "街工 (街坊工友服務處)". In short, enacting regulations against smoking would not discourage valued champions such as Mr LEUNG and Mr YEUNG from associating themselves with the "righteous" HKFS. Failing to do so will only discourage the majority of non-smoking students from associating themselves with the "righteous" HKFS. Afterall, 公民抗命者 must be of high 道德操守.

In view of the now well-established medical evidence, smoking is not only harmful to the health of the smoker, but also to his/her offsprings and, through secondhand smoking, to the health of others. Since harming others' health is not in accordance with our moral norms, I would argue that it is [1] immoral to smoke. It is esp. so for smokers like Viki who appears to be one of the suppliers of cigarettes to Maggie Lam. In my mass email of [Smoking and Abortion 020509], I said that 吸煙可以增加不舉 (also lowers the sperm count),和使“流產機會率比非吸煙女性高10倍"[http://www.smoke3teens.com]。PPAHK reports: "During 1998-2000, cases of girls aged 15-19 found smoking jumped 100 times". In my mass email of "八樓陳昭偉(中大阿昭)用粗口till蔡誌慶的老母 020710", I said that HKU "無煙"策略 (可加 polyu, cityu...) 是全校(incl.空地)無煙,除劃出的數塊小空地... See http://www.hku.hk/uhs/ > click Health & Wellness Information > click smoking. 我數年所見的HKUSU Office 和人無人食煙. 「防止青少年吸煙委員會」主席狄志遠said that 已有三百三十一間中、小學,以及八千八百多名師生簽回回條,全力支持政府立法,把校園列為法定禁煙區。其中有二百多間學校更在校園張掛「支持無煙校園」橫額,向校內學生及社區人士傳遞無煙校園的訊息。(ref. ww021022)

I would also argue that, since smoking (and hair dying) is an indicator of Secondary School Inspection 視學, university students such as Maggie Lam's [2] smoking is an indication of the failure of Moral Education at her high school Tack Ching Girls' Middle School. tk021126 reports "記者所見﹐該校學生儀容普遍整齊﹐不見有染髮少年。記者十月初趁訪問該校的空隙﹐到附近的熟食檔午膳﹐看不到有學生抽煙。不過﹐上周三完成訪問後﹐記者再到同一熟食檔午膳﹐目睹十數位該校學生﹐男生女生皆有﹐飯後掏出香煙燃點﹐舉止熟練。記者毗鄰的一桌有七位該校女生﹐邊進膳邊聊天﹐間有說髒話的。其中兩人點起香煙﹐旁邊一桌的男士側目一看﹐連忙捧起飯菜移坐另一邊。現場所見﹐有即席在飯桌抽煙的﹐有三三兩兩邊走邊抽煙的﹐不下十數人。" My contact with Tack Ching's Sister Wong Mei-Mei concerning her raising of the 5-star Flag has revealed to me that Sister Wong runs aways from debates on controversial issues. 因為德性是通過不斷的社交 (social interaction)而發展的,我們是在遇上道德兩難(moral dilemma)時才真正"良心發現" (Conscience is Caught),道德兩難的討論是通過認知衝突(cognitive conflicts)使我們產生正確的道德觀。Hence I would invite Sister Wong to use this website and the case of her TackChingRen Maggie Lam as teaching material for debate in Tack Ching.

Responses to moral ethics (i.e. discipline) must be prompt and fair 公正. I purposely misrepresented 屈 Joyce Ho, Maggie Lam and Alvina with a connection with the HKU Wo Fung Cabinet (as distinguished from the Wo Fung Cabinet). The responses were, respectively, an immediate demand for me to apologise and correct in public, an immediate, indirect and spiteful complaint, and a mere stern comment on the inaccuracy when I called her. It is certainly wrong to misrepresent 屈 someone; but which of the three responses can be considered as "prompt and fair 公正"? Not only must my responses be "prompt and fair 公正", I need to adhere to the Prosecution Policy of "sufficient evidence and public interest". The smoking and other bad habits in the broad sense at the HKFS must be dealt with and be debated openly in order to get the effect of "良心發現" (Conscience is Caught).

While the HKFS/Hq has no regulation against smoking, it would be different for the HKFS/SMRC because its brochure <簡介> openly sanctioned "鹹書...做愛、吸煙、講粗口", which the police translated as "advocated self freedom of 'making love, smoking cigarettes, speaking offensive language, etc'." Despite my challenge to set policy against the "5 bad habits in the broad sense", the HKFS/SMRC Management Committee, chaired by Maggie Lam, did not change it. She even asked her colleague Mr YANG Shue-Hung 楊樹雄 to give it to the reporters of Oriental Daily and Sing Pao. The reporters were so protective of HKFS/SMRC that they did not publish the above wordings on 020827.

In short, both Mr Fung and Miss Maggie Lam have abdicated their duties and responsibilities to control the premises under their charge (see 第四章 代表會 第二十二條 職權: 會章附則、代表會附則 社運資源中心管理委員會章程 4.1. 處理中心的管理工作). It is aggravating for Maggie Lam to join in the smoking and foul language songs. Worst of all, Mr Fung takes no actions against Maggie Lam for her abuse of powers (See my many mass emails e.g. <和解及銷案 020820>). Mr Fung has not apparently informed the member student unions, which pay fees to the HKFS. Such member student unions have the right to know how their fees are used. In dealing with Maggie Lam, I separate her good things from the bad ones; hence the 2-column format of this website.

A.2 學聯總部之友 Friends of HKFS/Hq (Core individuals)

Consisted of former office-holders, who are no longer students. N.B. Cons 第二十八條:代表會職員如在任期內脫離學籍或會員學生會會籍,經代表會通過信任議案後,得繼續留任至屆滿為止。Similar treatment for other office-holders. Like A.1 above, there is no disciplinary regulations for the "Friends of HKFS" to follow. The "offenders" can either be completely free, or be sanctioned at will by the ExCo/Council/MgtCom (See my case in the Blue column).

A.3 學聯總部之友 Friends of HKFS/Hq (Non-Core Individuals)

Open Email List available to everybody by entering one's email into the Open Email List at http://www.hkfs.org.hk . Few news (mostly declarations 聲明) and few invitations to participate in activities (e.g. June 4 rally, 0212156 民間人權陣線 反對《基本法》23條立法大遊行).

A.4 學聯總部義工 Volunteers of HKFS/Hq

There is a form called "Volunteer Recruitment" in the booklet "My Sassy Ordinance 我的野蠻條例". Applicant is asked to fill in Chinese and English names, email, phone, fax and "My opinions on Amend Public Order Ordinance Campaign". No reference is required. Nor is there a "Code of Conduct" attached.

Anthony C. H. Chua
PhD Candidate in Constitutional Law
(discontinued pending appeal to HKU Council)
University of Hong Kong (see my contacts and websites below)
Version: 021225 11p

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N.B. Do not jump to any conclusion until you have read all the facts and opinions from all sides!!!

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