Why does my Bunny do that?
Have you ever said to yourself, "what is she/he doing now?!" Hopefully this page will help you too inderstand your bunny better. For more info on why bunnies do crazy stuff go to www.muridae.com/rabbits
Jumping straight up in the air, maybe twiching her neck a little
What She Does                                                                         Why She Does it
This is called a "binky" and she does it becuase she is happy!
Constantly Chewing Everything, shoes, hair, boxes, etc.
Bunnies have constantly growing teeth so they need to chew - and they do, a lot. If your bunny chews something you don't want her to, say "No!" and pick her up and move her.
Rub Her chin on everything possible!
Bunnies rub their chin on things to show ownership, It leaves their scent on it.
Thump her back feet loudly
She is warning of danger!
Go up to you and put her nose right under your hand
Pet Me!!!
Push your hand away firmly
Stop petting me
Wiggle her ears
I don't like something, I am not pleased
Lick you
I like you, or, You are petting me!