Hey everybody, long time no update! The http://www.halfmanhalfbiscuit.co.uk address has expired although you can still get onto the site via "http://www.oocities.org/hmhb_03". I've also added a donate button, so if you appreciate the 'HMHB Online' teams' efforts and wish to donate, then just click the button at the bottom of the page!

New e-mail address people. changed to 'nixon_scfc@halfmanhalfbiscuit.co.uk' after problems with the old one.

Pankhurst has sent me another tab, The Best Things In Life, and you can find it located in the Guitar Tabs section. Apologies for taking so long for an update i've been fairly busy.

Another guitar tab! Thanks to Pankhurst who has sent me his second tab 'Turned Up, Clocked On, Laid Off'. Head over to the guitar area to take a look.

After getting the guitar fixed I thought i'd have a little play last night. Therefor there are two new Guitar Tabs. The Intro to Deep House Victims Minibus Appeal and a full tab of Time Flies By.

Gordon has been at the bass tabs again, and has given us another great tab. He managed to tab Gubba-Look-A-Likes last night and has kindly sent it to us. Head over to the bass tabs page to have a crack at it yourself!
Just to remind you if you do not know already, thanks to Skinny an arcade has been added to the forums so you can now play some great retro games. Also, if you have any ideas on how to make this site better, then send them over to my e-mail address.

Hello all, and welcome to the new 'HMHB Online' website. The old free server and free domain have been dumped and replaced with a new better quality server and a new domain name in the shape of 'http://www.halfmanhalfbiscuit.co.uk'. I have also re-designed the site and I am hoping to add a lot more content. Thats where you all come in. If you have any idea's, minor adjustments, problems with the new design, anything then please contact me at nixon@halfmanhalfbiscuit.co.uk. I need your help and your ideas to make this site bigger and better.

Enjoy the new HMHB Online!