Our History
            Hmong history of cockfighting started many centuries ago.  The Hmong people originated from China.  For many century Hmong was ruling China but due so many wars the Chinese people took over all land and called it China.  The Hmong not only lost the war but all their written language, land,.  To survive all Hmong people spread across Asia.  Some went to India, North Vietnam, Burma, Thailand, Laos.Even though the Hmong people have no written history anywhere; stories were told mouth to mouth and cockfighting was one of them.  How the Hmong people fought their chicken was very interesting. Their cock was called "qaib dib" pronounced "khai de" and they took them to the forest for hunting with them.  They would use their cock to chant and call the wild rooster.  Once the wild rooster would come it would fight with the domestic cock.  Sometimes it will fight until death, but most of the time the Hmong man would use their bow to kill the wild rooster.  It has been said that many other groups of people have come to the Hmong and asked their chicken to be bred. One of the fairy tail is that a Hmong man has offered his best rooster to the King of Thai with the color of yellow with white tail, the one that the Thai people called today "leung hang qhaou" which is the King's chicken.  The Hmong chicken was very good fighting with their spurs and deadly kick.  That's how they were able to fight the wild rooster.
          For the Hmong who have left China most of them became nomad.  They became known as the montagnards or "highland people".  Watching a rooster fight has always been fascinating for all Hmong young boys.  For some of them who were too young to adventure into the forest and fight the rooster with the wild one, they would take their father rooster and go to the next village and try to fight the rooster with another one if they ever found one wondering in the garden or on the street.  They would throw the rooster to the other one and watched them fight until one gave up or until both of them could not fight anymore. 
          Because the Hmong have lost their written language so there was no documents reporting Hmong as chickens fighters; but other stories such as the Hmong lords used to fight their rooster in dispute for their land instead of fighting wars with each other.  The Hmong believe that a rooster can kill the other rooster in one kick.  If asked what style or what kind of rooster they do like, most of their answer would be the one who can kill in one kick.  The Hmong adore their chickens and take care of them very carefully.
          In the late 1960's in Laos more and more Hmong were involved with the city so they were more exposed to the real game of cock fighting.  New to this field of game but so fascinated by, the Hmong became very active and developed their own breed, participate and compete with the Lao and Thai.  However the Thai chickens remain the best of all time but the Hmong quickly imported Thai breed and they have become one of the toughest opponents for the other entire breed.
          Now for the Hmong who live in the United States they are the most active in cockfighting compare to all other ethnic group coming from Asia.  However they do not like cockfighting with knives, needles or other weapons. They feel that it's too cruel and there are no art or skill in that at all.  They love their chicken and they hate to see their rooster be beaten or kick all the times.  If they see their rooster get hurt too much they would stopped the fight and surrender even though the rooster came from a very good blood line and would not give up or collapse.  Today they are having activities all across America with all new breeds especially crossbreed.