I like quotes. They're more fun to memorize than the English Bill of Rights, and you never have to feed them or take them for walks. Plus, you never know when such wise sages as Freakazoid or Crow T. Robot might say something that comes in handy...oh, this section also serves as a catch-all for things I find funny. Sometimes, it's quotes. Sometimes, it's humor. Sometimes, it's humorous quotes--2 for the price of 1!

Nuggets of Wisdom... ...For the Viewers at Home The Patented H\A SpiffyQuote o' the SecondŽ:
"You should be kicked out of school in a cloud of ignominy, and forced to join a traveling circus or the Jackson Police Stolen Car Unit."
--The Hube Meister

NEW!"Wil Wurk 4 Fude"
Get YOUR Francise TODAY!

NEW!Top 100 Things I'd Do If I Ever Became An Evil Overlord
Useful advice for you fellow aspiring tyrants out there.

30 Star Wars Quotes That Could Be Improved If You Used the Word "PANTS"
I don't know if you'd say improved...

ReBoot Quotes That Could Be Improved By the Word "PANTS"
Sent in by you, the viewers at home! (PS: it helps to see the show ReBoot first ;)

50 Fun Things To Do At Walmart
Just don't tell the security guards that I sent ya...

It's what makes a house a HOME...