
Internet Resource Collection



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  Over the past several months I have searched the internet looking for money-making oppurtunities.  One of the most information-rich sites on the internet today is Ebay.com.  There you will find people auctioning off ebooks, links, and informational guides on making money.  Some of the information I have gathered comes from Ebay, but also many websites that cannot be searched for.  The

  After obtaining all the best resources, I decided to put them on one page for others to use.  On this page you will find the legendary Ebay ebooks selling for $20.00 or more!  Not only that, but I have put together a list of links containing valuable information and websites to expand on ebook ideas.  Some examples of these links include:

  • Wholesale Sources and Lists (DVD's, Electronics, Jewlery, Watches, Clothing, Software, etc.)
  • Money-Making Ideas and Guides
  • Websites that pay!
  • Dropshipping Sources
  • Asian Imports
  • Taiwan Imports
  • Korean Imports
  • Free Website Submission Tools
  • Website Traffic
  • Creating Websites
  • Starting Online Businesses
  • Drop-Shipping Sources
  • Playstation 2, Xbox, Gamecube, $25!
  • Plasma TV's, DVD players, etc CHEAP!

  . . . and more!

The Ebooks

  Information is craved by people all over the internet.  Internet users will pay lot's of money for good, quality information.  If you've been searching for ebooks on the net you've probably come across people selling individual copies for $20.00 and up.  This is ridiculous!  Most of these ebooks people sell, especially on ebay, are terrible.  They contain no decent material.  I have sorted through all of this garbage and have decided to upload only the best and most useful ebooks for your downloading pleasure.

  To show you what a great deal you're getting, I have included the suggested retail value of each ebook marked in red.  Unfortunately, some people actually purchase these guides at full price!  You will save a bundle!


One Million Items Wholesale

 Contains 1,000,000 items and their sources that can be bought at wholesale prices.

  • Asian Sources
  • American Dropshippers
  • American Wholesalers
  • Hong Kong
  • Philippines
  • Taiwan
  • Mexico
  • Closeout Resources!

Suggested Retail Price: $24.00


eBay Marketing 2002 Reseller's Package

An excellent wholesale source for people who want to make money on Ebay!  Includes categories such as:

  • DVD's
  • Computer Software/Hardware
  • Leather Goods
  • Video Games
  • Electronics
  • Cell Phones
  • "As Seen on TV" products
  • Military Supplies
  • Automotive products
  • More than 20 others!

Suggested Retail Price: $24.97


iNet Success

 This is a fast, no-frills guide to making money on the internet.  In a compact checklist style you will get the explanations and the "features to look for" in many internet-marketing issues:

  •  Affiliate Programs
  • Banners
  • Banner Exchanges
  • Web-Hosting Services
  • Reciprocal Links
  • Traffic Analysis
  • Publicity
  • Communities
  • Others

Suggested Retail Price: $19.99