Chapter 14

**6 months later** Brittni woke up, and Justin was no longer in bed next to her. She got up out of bed, and looked at the floor where there was a long trail of pink rose petals leading into the closet. She slowly opened the doors and saw a suitcase, sitting on the floor, opened with quite a few pairs of clothing packed in it. There was a note on top. She picked it up and read it.

Happy 4th year anniversary babygirl!

Wow, doesn't the time just fly! Anyways, I'm taking you somewhere special today, and so, i've already had the honor of packing your clothes, enough for two weeks. Don't worry, Joe's taking the kids for the first week, then JC's taking them. The flight leaves at 3:15, and we've got to be there a little earlier. Go into the bathroom, and i've left a change of clothes, and some more instructions for you. See you soon!
Love you...


She put the note down and smiled. He was so sweet. She walked into the bathroom, and there was the change of clothes, the note, along with a single red rose. She picked it up and smelled it, while reading the note.

Take a shower, get dressed, come down to the kitchen...

She laughed at his instructions and did what she was told. Brittni walked out of the bathroom dressed in a pair of denim shorts and a red v-neck tank top. She walked out of the bedroom and went towards the stairs carrying the rose in her hand. At the top of the stairs, there was another rose, she picked it up, the next step, another rose. By she got to the bottom, she was carrying a full bouquet of roses. She then walked into the kitchen. There was another note, and a vase.

Like the flowers? Good..put them in the vase, then go into the living room....

She laughed, every anniversary he always did the long note, and 'where am I' type thing, she loved it. She walked into the living room, and saw Joey, Kenzie and Taylor all on the couch.

"Hey guys!" She called out.

"Hi Mommy!" Kenzie yelled.

Joey stuck his arm out and gave Brittni another piece of paper, she laughed.

"He just doesn't stop does he?" She took the paper and read it.

Say bye to Joe and the kids, go upstairs and get your suitcase, don't worry, everything's packed, I didn't forget anything. Go outside...

After saying bye to everyone, she got her suitcase, and yelled a final "bye" to everyone, and opened the door. In the driveway, she saw a black stretch limo, with the driver standing by the door. She walked down the steps, and over to him.

"Good morning." She said to him.

"Morning Ms. May I take your luggage?"

"Yes, here. Thank you." He driver took her suitcase and put it into the trunk. She wasn't sure if she was supposed to get it the limo yet or not, so she just stood in the drive way taking in the beautiful morning air. Once the man put the luggage in the back, he turned towards Brittni, and came and opened the door for her. Once he was finished, he opened the door for her and she got inside and saw Justin sitting with two white roses in his lap.

"J, baby thank you so much, this has been too cute!" She said getting in and leaning over to kiss his lips.

"No problem baby, I love doing this for you." He said giving her the roses. They noticed that the driver had started up the limo, and Brittni was curious as to where they were going.

"J, is this a big surprise, or can you let me in on where this guy's headed?"

"Sure Britt, he's going to the airport."

"K, then where?"

"Well now, that's the surprise. I you know i'd hate to ruin a surprise."

"And you know that I hate surprises." She said back to him.

"Yeah, and that's just what makes it so much more fun."

"I hate you." She joked to him.

"Aw, yes I know, I hate you too babygirl."

Once they got to the airport, and had gone through customs, and had done everything else they needed to do, they were both sitting on the chairs outside the terminal.

"Justin, Tahiti? That's where we went for our honeymoon!"

"I know baby, I wanted it to be very special. And I remembered how much we both loved it there, so i'm bringing you back." He smiled and brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it.


The taxi-cab pulled up in front of a large house which was situated right on the beach. It was two stories, had huge bay windows, and a large balcony, and from what Justin told her, also a pool and hot-tub.

"Is this ours Justin?" She said taking it all in.

"You bet baby. All ours." He said smiling, and walking up to the front door of the house after they had gotten their luggage out of the cab. They got inside, and got settled.

Later on, they were both laying on the beach, letting their bodies soak up the hot sun. Justin rolled himself over on the large towel and kissed up Brittni's arm, and up to her lips. After a few minutes, they pulled away and smiled at each other.

"It's so beautiful here Ju." She said running her hand through his curls.

"I know babygirl, it's amazing, and I love you so much."

"And I love you so much Ju."

They both returned to their tanning positions and Brittni smiled. She remember her feelings before, about feeling that, although Amanda had been taken away, something was still wrong. It didn't feel that way anymore. The score was finally settled. Everything truly was perfect.