Forgotten But Not Gone

An Archive of Todd Rundgren related news items and interviews copied from the net so
that when they disappear from their original location, they will not be gone for good.
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Todd Who??
  • '67 His band Nazz were arguably the first anglophiles in rock history. [All Music Guide]
  • '78 Todd performed the first interactive television concert broadcast live over the Warner/QUBE system in Columbus, Ohio (the home audience chose each song in real time during the concert by voting via QUBE's two-way operating system).[Cool Site Of The Day]
  • '78 Todd delivered the first live nationally broadcast radio concert in stereo (by microwave), linking 40 cities around the country.[Cool Site Of The Day]
  • '78 " Todd Rundgren, for all the good it may do him or us, is the first non-British musician/band to, as Hefner used to put it, "grace the cover" of Trouser Press." [Trouser Press]
  • '79 Todd opened Utopia Video Studios, a cutting-edge video production enterprise. Utopia Video Studios' first project was a version of Gustav Holst's The Planets, a demonstration disc for Videodisc by RCA SelectaVision. [All Music Guide]
  • '80 Todd released "Time Heals," the first music video to combine computer graphics and live action; it would later be the second video played on MTV. [All Music Guide]
  • '81 He created the first graphics tablet driven paintbox software for personal computers, which was subsequently licensed to Apple Computer as the "Utopia Graphics Tablet System".[Cool Site Of The Day]
  • '82 Rundgren performed the first live national cablecast of a rock concert via USA Network, which was simulcast in stereo to over 120 radio stations.[Cool Site Of The Day]
  • '82 Todd produced the first two commercially released music videos, one of which was nominated for the first-ever Grammy awarded for "Best Short Form Video" in 1983.[Cool Site Of The Day]
  • '91 Todd made the first fully computer-animated music video produced on a desktop system ("Change Myself"). [MP3.COM Artist Spotlight]
  • '93 Todd established a new musical genre when he composed, produced and performed the world's first interactive audio-only CD-ROM project, "No World Order". [Cool Site Of The Day]
  • '93 The world's first interactive concert tour.[]
  • '95 Rundgren continued his long history of multimedia 'firsts' with the release of "The Individualist". Described by Rundgren as a 'multimedia album', the title was available exclusively as an Enhanced CD (one of the first in the category). [Cool Site Of The Day]
  • '97 Todd was one of the first Western artists to perform for the Chinese during the summer Shanghai Festival. [All Music Guide]
  • '98 Todd launches PatroNet, the world’s first direct artist subscription and digital delivery service.