Hog Island is unique among the clubs of the Fancy Division because it has the distinction of having paraded as a Comic Division Club.

Organized on January 16th, 1939, a group of Comic and Fancy "Shooters" living in Southwest Philadelphia decided to start their own Mummer's Club.

Veteran Mummers William "Pop" Wethman (a new years baby himself,
having been born January 1st, 1870) and George Simmers were the original Organizers.
Their purpose was to have a Mummer's club in Southwest Philadelphia
Hog Island's first home was located at 4405 Island Road.

On January 1st, 1942, Hog Island officially paraded as a Comic club for the first time
and continued to march amound the Comics until 1949
when they reorganized as a Fancy Division club. 
Early organizers of the new Hog Island N.Y.A. included longtime officers and members
Robert Meimbresse, Rudy Meech and Joseph Morrissey.

The club continues a tradition of presenting quality entertainment.
This tradition is recognized by 17 first prize club finishes along with 19 first prize Captain's awards.
The most recent being in 2003 and 2005 where for both years the club won both Club and Captain

In 2001 the clubhouse suffered a lightning strike which set the club in flames, losing many treasured costumes and put the club's future in jeopardy.  But with the help of friends, neighbors, and supporters and the determination of the members of Hog Island we picked up the pieces and
continue to be a power house in the Fancy Division.

There have been many leaders among Hog Island's history some stand out in our memories more than others, but each leader in their own way has been an asset to the club.  We have had many hit and miss years and have lost many great people who we miss dearly, but their legacies live on within their families who parade each year carring on this great Mummer's tradition.

Through the years Hog Island has endeavored to be competitive as well as a source of pride to the members, supporters and to all who love the Philadelphia Mummer's Parade.
News & Information
Hogs Prize History
In Memoriam