This section is a compendium of work that I have done as a student. It includes descriptions of a significant portion of the coursework I completed, and links to projects from a several of my classes. The first project listed is from an assistantship that I held for the second year of the Master's program, and is the most involved. The others are the product of either group or individual projects completed to satisfy course requirements. Text documents are provided in PDF format.

Virtual Labs
I worked on this project for a year (half time) as a Graduate Research Assistant in conjuntion with a talented group of multimedia developers at the IMTC (Interactive Media Technology Center). The goal of the Virtual Labs projects is to create interactive, web-delivered educational material to instruct students on the theory and practice of various laboratory techniques. My contribution included preparation of storyboards to specify interactions, authoring of content, involvement in the design of the interface, and preliminary usability testing of the initial virtual labs module. I also acted as a liaison between scientists and the multimedia developers. I was chosen for this project because of my background in science and HCI.
Sensation and Perception
This is my term paper from my Sensation and Perception class and is provided as a writing sample. Entitled "Auditory Localization", the paper examine the ability of humans to determine the location of a sound source. This ability is based on several factors including differences in the sound signal going into each ear and the influence the outer ear has on the signal reaching the eardrum. I also produced some illustrations for the paper.
Master's Project
My Master's project was supervised by Dr. Melody Moore of Georgia State University. Dr. Moore's research focuses on development of software for use with a Direct Brain User Interface (see description below). My major focus in this project was to research possible navigational paradigms for use with these devices. Some of my designs were created using Director/Lingo, and are shown in the screen captures, along with an explanation.

The Direct Brain User Interface (or 'Brain UI' as it is more commonly called) involves the use of electrodes, sophisticated electronics, and signal processing to detect electrical signals produced by the brain so they may be used as an input device for a computer. The goal of the Brain UI project is to create a device that will enable severely physically disabled to regain some control of the world around them.
Engineering Psychology - Group Project
Dubbed "Parkin' Pager", this is the final project report for the group project for Engineering Psychology. Our group (four students) redesigned the parking system for the Georgia Tech campus. The system allows for dynamic parking allocation, using a central server for allocation of spaces and pagers for requesting a space and receiving confirmation of request and other information. The project involved task analysis, environmental analysis, functional flow diagrams, specification of pager functions, scenarios, and so forth.
Human Computer Interaction I
This class was a broad survey of the Human Computer Interaction field. For the class project, our group (four students) created a new system for collection and recording of patient data at veterinary clinics. The project covered the gamut of user-centered design methodology, including on-site observation and interviewing, task and environmental analysis, prototyping, formative evaluations, validation, and summative evaluation. Our final proposal was a system that leveraged contextual information to improve speed and accuracy of data collection , as well as a redesign of the archaic computing systems (and interfaces) commonly found in veterinary clinics.

Information Visualization
This class surveyed the field of information visualization and examined a variety of information visualization techniques. Topics covered included a discussion of data types and their reperesentation, rearrangement of data, dynamic exploration, presentation issues. A wide variety of visualization systems were analyzed and critiqued.

Human Computer Interaction, Part II
This course largely focussed on techniques useful for requirements gathering when creating user-centered designs. These included proper observation and interviewing techniques as well as how to interpret and summarize data. The group project required project teams to gain entré observe, and interview workers at a given locale, then summarize findings in a report. Our group project involved observation in the oncology ward of a childrens hospital.
